17. Second Trouble

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Mi Sun was busy preparing dinner as usual when Seokjin walked over to her. He had been having dinner at the apartment with them for the last couple of days.

This basically soon turned out to be the cause of the second trouble at the Bangtan Apartment.

Yoongi was eating a tangerine sitting on his tool by the counter. Taehyung sat by his side eating strawberries. Junggkook sat his side eating cookies.

Hoseok was cradling Ji Min in his arms while Jimin sang her a song.

"That's not the amount of soy sauce that you put in." Seokjin casually remarked as he sat down on one of the stools.

"Then tell me how much should I put." Mi Sun stopped herself from rolling her eyes at him. Instead, she put the bottle before him and handed over the spoon too.

Seokjin put in the amount he fancied and gave the pot of hot stew a stir.

Mi Sun then took a spoon and tasted it, "No, not good." She then put in some more soy sauce. "Now, they will like it now!" She threw a pursed sarcastic smile at him.

Seokjin wasn't done for the day, he kept sitting on the counter to look for opportunities to get even with her.

"This is not how you cut mushrooms!" Jin told her in a matter of fact way.

Mi Sun raised her eye brows and instead of saying anything, she turned to look at Yoongi. 

She gave him a dead stare for a minute before he decided to intervene.

"Hyung, let's just sit in the lounge and talk!" He tried to be as polite as he could be.

"No! This much amount of oyster paste in the sauce would kill you all!" Seokjin sat on his place more comfortably as now the sauce caught his interest.

"Look at all of them, Jin-shi!" Mi Sun waved her spatula all around, indicating to each one of them.

"Is anyone dead so far? Specially this one!" Her spatula pointed and stopped at Taehyung.

Taehyung at this point had half a strawberry between his lips, he stopped to give everyone a shy smile before proceeding to chew it.

Taehyung at this point had half a strawberry between his lips, he stopped to give everyone a shy smile before proceeding to chew it

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"Do they look dead to you?" She asked as she placed her hands on her waist.

Jin shook his head in negation.

"Then what's your point?" Mi Sun asked.

"The point is, oyster paste doesn't go in the sauce!" Jin stated.

"The fuck it does!" Mi Sun replied and put the paste in the sauce bowl.

The boys gasped.

Jimin covered Ji Min's ears.

Junggook choked on his cookies and looked back and forth between Jin and Mi Sun. Yoongi stood up to pour water for him.

"You don't know how to cook!" Jin stated as he got up and moved near her.

"Don't try me Jin-shi!" Mi Sun rolled her eyes at him now, in plain sight. She was done with him.

"You need to learn to cook."

Just then Ji Min began to cry despite Hoseok trying to quiet her down.

"My baby is crying, don't tell me what I need to do at this point."

"Oh! then ask her father to come and shush her!" Jin tartly replied.

Yoongi shook his head.

The rest of the boys gasped again.

"Or you don't know who her father is!" Jin completed his sentence.

Pin drop silence filled the Bangtan Apartment.

Mi Sun blinked twice.

Then she removed her apron, turned off the gas stove.

She went over to the chair, picked her things up, went over to Hoseok, snatched a crying Ji Min out of his arms, placed her in her carrier that was by now really too small for her.

Mi Sun wore her shoes and walked out of the apartment.

"Is the dinner ready?" Junggook's voice was heard and Hoseok held onto Yoongi to stop him from getting at the boy.

"Is the dinner ready?" Junggook's voice was heard and Hoseok held onto Yoongi to stop him from getting at the boy

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Mi Sun soon notified Namjoon that she will no longer be cooking for them.

Namjoon was still at the library, completing his assignment when he read the text from Mi Sun.

His eyes popped out and then he immediately picked up his laptop, books and notebooks and left for the apartment.

Namjoon had thought that his troubles were over but his happiness had been short lived, this second trouble at the Bangtan Apartment was graver than the first one.

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