12. WWH Guy

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"Jin hyung!" Junggook moved forward and hugged the tall and wide shouldered man who in return patted his back, rather thumped his back.

"When did you arrive and since when have you grown up this much?" He asked looking proud of Junggook.

Junggook threw him a wide grin, his favourite hyung was on the premises.

All the boys then moved forward and took turns to hug him, except for Yoongi who just offered him a high five and acknowledged his presence with a nod.

"What's with the lady?" Seokjin raised an eye brow and asked as he sank down into the couch.

The boys sat around too, some on the couch and some on the floor.

"She's our Noona!" Taehyung spoke from where he was laying on the floor.

"What's with the baby?" Seokjin asked.

"She's our Noona's baby!" Jimin replied who was also sprawled on the floor and had rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Where has it come from?" Seokjin asked.

"Where all the babies come from!" Junggook replied.

"Where do all the babies come from?" Seojin asked Junggook.

"From the heaven, hyung! Where else do you think from?" Junggook looked shocked.

"No, no, Junggooka, since you're grown up now, I'll tell you where the babies come from. So, it..."

"Hyung!" Hoseok and Namjoon cried out at once.

Yoongi looked exasperated at this point, he knew that this exchange between the eldest and the maknaes can go on well past the mid night without either one of them getting tired.

It has always been like that, they have all known Seokjin all their lives. Junggook, in particular, was known to Seokjin since his diaper days.

"Why were you trying to steal her?" Yoongi asked him, rather enquired.

"I wasn't! Come on!"

"You couldn't resist picking her up, didn't ya?" Hoseok asked him.


"She's such a beuatiful baby, isn't it hyung?" Namjoon said.

"Yes!"  All including Seokjin said in unison.

They all sat in a reverie for two minutes, each having a smile on their lips, even Yoongi had a faint one on his.

Suddenly, Seokjin returned from this sweet reverie to the present state of affairs at the apartment.

His apartment.

"But the point is, what is she doing here? Also, after all these years of my life of looking after you fucking morons, I get this betrayal!"

"Hyung! You moved to a different city two years back!" Namjoon reminded him.

"You only visit us on Christmas!" Hoseok reminded him too.

"You didn't even send me my second gift last year!" Taehyung complained.

"You morons! None of you will ask me about the betrayal I just mentioned?"

"What is that?" Yoongi asked,though he knew Seokjin would eventually tell them.

"I said no girls in the apartment, you fucking betrayers!" He reminded them.

"She's our Noona! She cooks for us." Namjoon said.

"Also, the fifth rule of the apartment is in enforcement right now, so you cannot swear." Hoseok said in a serious tone.

"Elaborate!" Seokjin asked.

"The fisth rule states that we don't swear while a baby and a lady are on the premises of the Bangtan Apartment." Namjoon enlightened him and everyone nodded their heads.

"When was this rule made?" Seokjin looked surprised.

"When they both arrived a month ago." Jimin answered.

Mi-Sun came out of Yoongi's and Namjoon's room at this point with a sleeping Ji Min in her arms. She went to the kitchen and placed her on her usual spot on the chair.

"Not a word outta your loud mouths, she is sleeping" Yoongi said in a low warning tone and Seokjin looked he would fall off the couch.

They all watched Mi Sun put ear muffs on Ji Min's ears.

"Noona!" Hoseok waved to Mi Sun and said in a low voice.

Mi-Sun came over to the lounge still throwing a not-so-good glance over at Seokjin.

"Meet our Mi-Sun noona." He indicated to Seokjin.

"Noona, meet our Seokjin hyung, he wasn't trying to catch her."

Mi-Sun looked relieved at this information and greeted him, Seokjin stood up and greeted her back.

"You can call me Jin" he offered.

"Noona, can you please cook for eight people today, we are asking Jin hyung to stay for dinner." Namjoon requested her and she smiled and nodded.

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