8. Food Trails

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"There's a baby in the house! You f**** morons!" Jimin yelled at both of them.

"There's a lady and baby in the house, don't swear for f**** sake!" Yoongi threw a cushion towards their side.

"Are you guys idiot or what?" Namjoon threw his arms in the air and looked at each one of them, holding onto the last strand of his sanity.

Mi-Sun could hear all this from the pantry and she shook her head.

She was aware by now that her employers were basically crack heads.

Even when they tried they never kept their voices low. She had to make sure that Ji Min had her ear muffs on while she was asleep, which was basically so most of the time she was here.

Everything else was well. Everything was under control and everyone was happy.

Yoongi was happy as he no longer had to deal with the moody one and the forever hungry one.

Seeing him happy, Hobi was happy.

Maknaes were happy in their own as well as the collective world of the Bangtan Apartment.

Seeing them all happy Namjoon was happy and also proud of himself.

Since Mi Sun's arrival and taking over the food matters of the apartment in her own hands, the bickering related to at least the food was not there and no emergency meetings were called for any other matter too.

The Bangtan's food trail was currently being led by Mi-Sun and she was doing a wonderful job of it.

One evening after two weeks of her arrival, as they all sat down for dinner, she asked why Namjoon wasn't joining them.

"Where's Namjoon?" She asked.

"He is finishing up an essay, he says he will eat later." Yoongi informed her.

"Yesterday he had said the same thing and I found his food untouched in the morning." She said and got up.

She quickly put the vegetables, beans and meat pieces together and made three little wraps. Then she prepared a rice bowl, pouring in it the curry, the salad and the side dishes all in one.

She placed them all on a tray and carrying the tray in one hand she knocked on Namjoon's door with the other one.

"Noona, you can come in." He answered the door.

"How did you know, it's me?" She asked, placing the tray before him.

Namjoon was bent over his laptop and had his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Do you think that any of them would have ever bothered to knock?" He replied while quickly typing out the words.

Certain books were sprawled open on his bed, some were laying on the other side of his laptop.

"Namjoona, you need to eat." Mi-Sun put her foot down.

"I'll eat once am done with this."

"You can eat it while you are working too, it's easy, come on take it!" She picked up a wrap and held it out in front of him.

Namjoon at last stopped typing, let out a sigh and took the wrap.

"See, it's easy! Please finish it all, I will come to check." She patted on his head.

"Thank you, Noona!" He smiled and began typing again with the other hand meanwhile taking a bite off the wrap in his other one.

Mi-Sun smiled and closed the door after her.

After dinner, Junggook came over to Mi-Sun as she was cleaning the kitchen as the final task for the day.

"Noona?" He called out to her.

"Kookie, I have prepared your sandwiches and kept them in the fridge." She told him.

"It's not about the sandwiches." He said a bit hesitatingly and Mi-Sun looked up at him only to find that a little far from him Jimin and Taehyung stood too while Yoongi and  Hoseok looked over from the lounge.

"Can we play with Minniee?" Taehyung came forward and asked.

All of them turned their faces towards the chair where Ji Min sat batting her eyes at them, supported by cushions on three sides, basically an arrangement that Hoseok had done earlier in the day.

"No!" Mi-Sun replied.

"If you're afraid that she would fall off from the couch or chair, we can keep her on the floor here with the rest of us?" Jimin came forward and said.

Hearing his voice, Ji Min had squealed and waved her arms in air. This was something that she had recently learnt.

"So that one of you step over her?" Mi Sun kept one of her hands on her waist and looked at each one of them.

"What? No!" The boys protested in unison.

"Listen! I have seen you people move around here. These three for instance.." She pointed her finger on them three, "you guys don't pick things up if they're in your way. You just toss them elsewhere in the apartment or kick it out of your way."

Yoongi let out a sigh, as if ashamed of the behavior exhibited by the younger ones.

"We won't do that to Minniee, please Noona, look she also wants to play with us."

"Now we are leaving, we will see about it, Kookie." Mi Sun went and picked her up.

"Say good bye to them." She kissed her cheek as she placed her in her carrier and hung it over her shoulders.

Ji Min squeaked while waving her arms in air again as they bid her good bye.

"The carrier is small for her size, I think. Don't you think so, Noona?" Taehyung remarked and Mi Sun just nodded her head and left.

 Don't you think so, Noona?" Taehyung remarked and Mi Sun just nodded her head and left

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