Chapter 2: The Crazy Bar

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Alright. So we know how Shadow and Tikal are doing. They're just surviving the planning of this wedding together while taking their sweet time. And as long as they did it together, they didn't care how crazy Amy got. And she was CRAZY.

But I they thought it was bad being around her, it wasn't nearly as bad for the guy who was in a relationship with her. And of course, we all know, that guy is our favorite hero, Sonic the Hedgehog. Every time Amy went with Shadow and Tikal to any location that involved the wedding, he was dragged along with them. Now usually, Sonic wouldn't have minded. But seeing how crazed Amy could get, he was now starting to fear her like he did in the old days. But he loved her. That always made him be able to put up with her.

And as for Amy herself, she was of course always oblivious to the fact that she had gone a little nuts over this. Most of her friends just figured it was probably because it's her very first wedding that she gets to plan. Well…her first REAL one anyway. She wanted to make it one for the Guinness Book to record. Was that a bit too much of a high dream? Maybe. But that's the Amy Rose everyone knows and loves.

Right now, Amy was at her house pacing back and forth like a madman looking at a clipboard. And there with her, relaxing on her couch with a chili dog in his hand, was Sonic.

"Can you stop pacing now, Ames?" the blue hedgie asked. "You invited me over here and I kinda thought we would be doing something that DIDN'T revolve around the wedding."

"I'm sorry, Sonic." Amy apologized. "But I just can't stop thinking about this. We only have one month before the big day and there are still so many things that have to get done."

"Well, a month is a long time." Sonic tried to calm her down. "And I'm sure Shadow and Tikal will have a place figured out soon."

"I hope so." Amy said. "Because we still have to go over music, food, cake, and does Shadow know how to dance?"

Sonic shook his head.

"Don't think so. The only thing I know he can do professionally is kill people. And he's trying to cut back on that."

"Well then I guess we have to get him into some lessons. Dancing is….wait a minute. Cut back?" she was able to take notice of those two words and froze.

"Well..." Sonic rubbed the back of his head. "He still gets the occasional terrorist who won't break under interrogation. He's kinda like Jack Bauer if he were Mobian."

"How do you even know about that?" Amy asked afraid of the answer.

"He told us during guy's night a few days ago." Sonic responded. "He thinks his work stories are enlightening for the group. Although Tails has gotten a few recurring nightmares."

And it was right there Amy thought of something.

"Guys night! Bachelor party!" She began to write on a blank piece of paper on her clipboard. Then she looked at Sonic. "Is Shadow going to have a bachelor party?"

"I'm not even sure if Shadow knows what a bachelor party IS." Sonic answered.

"Well when we go in for tux fittings tomorrow, ask him and I'll see if Tikal wants a bachelorette party. And what about the best man and maid of honor? Who are they? They haven't been chosen yet!"

She was beginning to babble. And with a sigh and a smile, Sonic stood up, finished his chili dog with one gulp, and then took the clip board out of Amy's hands.

"Relax." Sonic shushed her. "You can't let yourself go crazy over this. Too much good stuff is bad stuff."

"This coming from the guy who only slows down when he sees a chili dog stand EVERYWHERE he goes." Amy retorted.

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