Fathers other half

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Green eyes
Poisonous veins
My father's other half
The half tainted and forgotten

Places me in the sun to crisp
Into a chocolate beauty
With doey brown eyes
No indication I look like

The them
I've grown
From a distance
A slight indicator
That they are still in my DNA

I still hold their last name
I hold their color
I hold the poison they carry
I am not them
I am not like my grandfather
I am not like the untitled man I've never known

They are a apart of me
Just as much as my other half's
Why shun me once my skin gets brighter

And for fun I wear green contacts
I'm them
I am one of them
That shall not be named
A damned no life
Who is only pointed out as them
A them that I never grown to know
A them

I am not them
I am me
A woman
A young lady
A fighter fighting for her success
In my spot
Fighting for a spot god already made for me

I am not am not him
I don't know the man who shares
My father and I's DNA
I am not my grandfather
I carry his last name
But I carry no love from him
I do not carry anything other than his last name

I am not them
I am me
I am who i decide to be

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