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   Forced awake by Carly shoving your shoulder, uttering confused gibberish in response to her phone being waved in your face.

Bright white light irritating your sleepy eyes, reacting innocently enough by swatting the damn thing away. If you were just a tad more awake, you'd certainly be having a groan over how she invaded your privacy.

Sadly, you weren't.

Figuiring using some roundabout logic that you could catch up on sleep later, that you shouldn't nake a big deal out if it. Even though it very much was, to you.

Stating you'd be ready momentarily (in the least enthusiastic voice achievable) grateful that she'd soon left without any further delay. No doubt keen on returning to her boyfriend.

Today was Sam's interview day after all.

Doing everything from cherry picking the best looking suit (under $50), coaching him through the interview process even (you couldn't stress this enough) coaching his weak handshakes into something buisness-like.

Carly made it seem that he wasn't prepared enough, doing everything from Quizzing to foolproofing his CV.

Her support extended onto planning dates, granting a break from what you would bluntly label as 'Constant Nagging'.

For you, personally, this had been a prime opportunity to become productive.

Using connections (via your friend Sharksy) after every attempt at job hunting went bust, you were taken in by a well known streaming service where you worked as a Transcriptionist.

Providing subtitles for videos, a laborious process consisting of listening to one clip over and over then translating it into an easy digest script.

Not exactly a dream job, yet the pay was pretty damn good.

Despite being very lucrative initially, hustling the stock market thinned your pockets at an alarming rate. Stranding both Wheelie and Brains who invested whatever petty cash they could snatch from Carlys account unnoticed.

Outside work, life was plain droll. Held prisoner in your own home - that wasn't even yours to begin with - decaying on a leather sofa, playing video games or watching TV.

An occasional rare visit to the Mall wasn't cutting it anymore. Phonecalls home? Made you homesick beyond reason, listening to your guardians voices only served to make you feel unbearably guilty.

The Government treated you as a human sized weapon on par with Alien goliaths, separated by a birth certificate and legal documents.

After the whole bathroom fiasco, agreeing that permitting you a relatively open lifestyle hadn't been optimal. Hence why you'd been lumped together with Sam - although, you already knew this and painfully aware he wanted you out as soon as possible.

Their logic was simple.

A) this new human-Cybertronian hybrid was under surveillance by a boy who wouldn't hesitate to snitch.

B) The Autobot Ambassador was under constant protection by somebody competent enough to shoot first panic later.


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