Chap 8: Throughout the years-part 3

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Hear me out...blondes> brunettes


point of view-3 |Narrator|


In an alleyway near the school, you could see a group of kids, while one was on the ground, the others were standing up above him, some were kicking him, while others were throwing things at him. 

They, fortunately, weren't using their quirk, they knew if they did, the amount of trouble they'll get in if people find out will be a lot.

The boy on the ground had some special characteristics about him, on the top of his head, instead of having hair, he had purple round balls. They were most likely part of his quirk, the boy was also oddly short. Very short.

He was covering his face with his arms, trying to block the attacks towards his face, and his feet together protecting his stomach. Most of the hits were landing on his back and side. he was doing his best to minimize the damage and pain from all the beating he was getting. After some time passed, the "leader" of the group of kids, held up his hand, signifying he wanted them to stop.

He was bigger than most of the kids there, he crouched down in front of the boy on the ground, he grabbed the boy's face, and made him look at him.

(L=leader----------RK=Random Kid)

L: "Where's the money, Mineta?"

The leader asked with a tone of anger, he wasn't very happy with Mineta. The boy that we now know as Mineta had an expression of fear, scared of what'll happen to him if the leader gets mad. 

Mineta: "I-I don't have it, please just give me a few more days!"

Mineta stumbling on his words spoke, the response he gave the leader, clearly wasn't the one he wanted to hear.

The leader looked at him for a few seconds and sighed, he stood up once again.

L: "Continue beating him, break at least a bone"

 He said, walking away. The second Mineta heard those words, his face crumbled. 

Mineta: "Wait!! Please, I just need some time!"

 The leader didn't care and continued to walk away from the long alley, the other kids grinned, and started laughing among other things,  they slowly started approaching and with each step, the fear inside him grew more and more.

The leader was still walking away, and the tension kept growing, just when the kids were going to start beating Mineta something happened.

Suddenly, a person appeared, landing on one of the kid's faces, the amount of force in the landing was more than enough to knock the kid out, his foot filled the kid's face, and he then used it as leverage to jump back, pushing his foot even deeper into the kids face.

The kid fell back unconscious, and the unknown person landed in front of Mineta, Mineta analyzed the person, he had black hair, black joggers with black vans, a plain white shirt, and a necklace that was small around his neck. He seemed to be around the same age as him.

The leader heard the sound of the kid falling and turned around to see what was happening, and what he saw, was the same thing as Mineta. A boy who looked to be around the same age as them. But he had a gut feeling, and that gut feeling was screaming at him that this boy was dangerous.

He frowned at the unknown person, who the fuck was this guy, and who the hell does he think he is?

RK1: "What the fuck!!! Where did he come from?"

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