Chapter 1

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Ok so run down. Here we go! My name's Alex. I'm a female born. You can use whatever pronouns you want for me I. Don't. Care! I'm a sophomore in high school. My parents and I have an unstable relationship. It's so unstable that it's not even there. I was an accident. They call me a mistake. It's been like that since I was young. However since I have a late birthday and I was held back due to my parents making something up I'm 16 and I moved out of the house. More like I ran away. My parents even though they hated me never wanted me to leave because I have all A's in classes that a Junior in advance classes would be in. I also was on Varsity wrestling for 3 years. And I brought back a lot of metals and trophies. Because of that they wanted it to look like they were loving and caring parents which they aren't never have been and never will be to me. But I have Twin brothers in my grade. And a younger sister 2 grades below. One of my brothers does basketball the other does wrestling w/ me. My sister does Volleyball. My sister has great grades but her team hasn't won a game. My basketball bro has poor grades but has brought home the gold. My wrestling brother has average grades and win some and lose some. He's also the only one that knows about home my parents treated me. He only knows because after a meet the school and normal press wanted my picture w/ my parents. I dodged it and hid till my brother's match. I watched and cheered him on. He won and soon after getting his hand raised I was pulled into the halls no one was around so my parents started yelling at me saying I was a mistake and that when I finally did something right I had to ruin it by disappearing and stuff. My brother heard this because he was around the corner because he was looking for me. He had enough and came out to say something when his dad slapped me. I say his because I don't claim them as actual parents. He went up to them and yelled at them. He told them to leave and watch our other brother's game. They looked down and left. I explained the whole story to him and he broke down crying. Our team had everyone looking for us since we kinda just disappeared. Our coach saw us and saw my brother crying and we told him the story as well. I had them promise not to say anything. Why? Well because even though they're god awful to me they love and care for my siblings. I told them that too and they both started to cry. I said wow I'm the one getting abused but you guys are the ones crying. I laugh and they joined me. We went back to the meet and said there was an incident but everything's ok now. Me and my brother placed first in our weight class. We took a team picture and a picture of just me and my bro. Our coach gave us a ride home. Our parents showed up a hour after us. They said went back to pick you guys up but you were gone! We said that our thing ended early so we went to celebrate a bit and then someone gave us a ride home. They said ok and asked what we got. I was about to tell them but my bro stopped me and said can get to bed first? We can tell you when we're not as tired. They looked at him w/ concern and agreed. I went to my room followed by the concerned brother and he asked to sleep in my room. I laughed and agreed. But I through a bar of soap at him and told him to shower before coming near my bed. So the rest of my freshman year was of my brother trying to basically weld us together, my other siblings being confused and my parents trying to make up w/ my brother. Now names!

Wrestling bro: Hercules.

Basketball bro: Zeus.

Sis: Athena.

Yes they're named after greek gods. Yes it has to do w/ my parents loving them and hating me. How did my siblings not catch on? Well my parents said that after I was born they got really into a greek god faze. They said that they swore to name their other kids if they had any after the greek gods. They believed that because they had no reason not to. My parents also acted different around them. They would make it seem like they were in a hurry and didn't make enough so I wouldn't get a plate. They said here's some money there's extra there so get breakfast on your way to school. Then they raced over to my siblings and kissed them on the head and told them bye and that they loved them. I would often end up making my own breakfast because one we went to a private school when we were younger so things there were expensive they didn't even give me enough money for the vending machines. 2 I was secretly saving up to move out. My siblings didn't like my parents cooking that much compared to mine so they packed it up for lunch everyday and ate what I made. I also made my own lunch which was just something simple. My brothers said they didn't like the private schools and wanted to go to public. My sister said the same thing so that they would have to agree. They did. But they took all of us out and said if one child is public then they all are. They only said that because they didn't want to pay for me to go to private. They did it for so long because they couldn't risk my siblings seeing me being treated unfairly. But after my freshman year I worked odd jobs and left. My parents said they wanted to take us out one day. Herc asked about me since they didn't include me. I said they told me before hand I told them I wanted to stay home. He tried to stay w/ me but I said they already spent the money on you guys. Go on I'll be fine. He went begrudgingly. I took that as a chance to pack up. I was gone that day. I already got an apartment but hadn't gotten the chance to leave. Everything I wanted I took. I also had a picture of me and my siblings. Just my siblings and a picture of them and their parents. I took 2 of the pictures. Can you which one. I got everything out in 30 minutes tops. My new place was decently close to the school and was nice. Also before I get to far ahead of myself. I have no friends. Yeah I hang w/ my wrestling team but it's not like friends do. We're like close acquaintances. My parents bought me a phone because of them having to keep a front up to my siblings. I sold it and bought a new one. I wished I could keep the same number but my siblings parents have it and could track me w/ it. I told the lady that if someone tried to find me using the old phone tell them nothing. She was confused and I told her that my safety was endangered but the police and stuff haven't done anything. I told that they didn't know because I was prohibited from contacting them. I also want her not to. She said she has to get her manager and supervisor. I met w/ her and those 2 guys. I told them the abuse story but I don't want my siblings in the system or anything. Again they cried and me feeling awkward I consoled them. They agreed and informed all their employees of the situation. So now summer's over which is devastating. But before it ended I called my wrestling coach and told him what I did. He laughed and I asked him to tell the school to check and make sure I was paid for by the 'parents' and he agreed. Hey what can I say? I would much rather them pay for me and I save money then them saving money.

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