Chapter 21

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So me and Cole have been inseparable since that day. We found out where were at too. I didn't cook anything while being here. They ordered pizza and yeah that the first thing I know I ate since being here. We've been here for 3 weeks at that time.

"Alex come and eat something. We can't just order out. Besides the health issues we don't have the money to spend like that." Iida says. I shrugged. So they found out if I see the food get delivered and see no one had touched it I would eat it. Cole being an exception. So they would start to order food more often. That continued for the next month.

"Alex we know you know how to cook. We know you don't typically eat fast food. So why on Earth do you think we would let you continue to act like this?" Jane asks.

"Why did you guys think kidnapping us would make us love you?" I countered. They all fell silent. Yeah so I only been talking in order to bring them down a couple pegs closer to reality. They hate it.

"Can't we just have a normal conversation? Why do you only talk in order to make us feel bad?" Kody asks.

"A normal conversation? You mean I can have a normal conversation w/ people who after meeting us for the first time said I want you. The very people who then became obsessive and stocked us, threatened us in a way, then knocked us out and kidnapped us in our own school. I never would have thought such a thing could happen." I say. They get even quieter.

"Alex come on. Let's just get to our room." Cole said. I nod and we leave. So me and Cole found and then claimed a vacant room. Here we've been actually talking. Like we would do at home. At least closer to it than what we do outside of it. We also train. We keep up on our boxing. We just entered the room and locked the door.

*Deep inhale.

Deep and long sigh exhale.*

"So. Do you think you're ok?" I ask. He nods.

"As ok as I can be in this hell hole shit hole of a place." He responds. So we've been keeping up and stuff yes. But we have been going harder than we normally did w/ the team. We did this so we could escape. We made a silent code here. Just in case they decided to ease drop. It's a code very similar to the outcasts' many codes. In fact we're gonna add it to the archives. So Cole basically said he feels like he's able to fight them just as well as I could before the kidnapping. We then just idly chatted till it was go time. We checked the clock and it said 10:00 pm. We nodded at each other saying it's go time. We sneak out the room sloppily enough to where it would grab their attention but not so much it was obvious.

"Thanks Alex!" Cole thanks me cheerfully in a whisper.

"If we get caught I'm blaming you." I snap back at him as if I was upset.

"I love you too!" He says followed by an awkward chuckle. I let out an exaggerated breath. We get to the kitchen and I start getting the pots and pans. I just started the prep work when they made their presence known.

"What are you two doing?" We both jump. It was actually real because they had moved around us w/o us noticing before announcing their presence.

"Don't you guys know not to scare someone in the kitchen?!" Cole exclaimed. He grabbed his chest where his heart was too.

"Answer the question." Jason says going up behind Cole then hugging him.

"I finally convinced Alex to make me something." Cole says. They look at him shocked. I just go back to cooking. They all sit down at the kitchen island and I feel eyes on me.

"For fuck's sake! What!?" I ask.

"Can you make us something too?" Sammy asks childishly. I give out an angered sigh. I glance at Cole and see him trying to get Jason off him.

"Only if he lets go of Cole." I say. The girls death glare him and he does so begrudgingly.

"It better be worth it." He mumbles out. I finish cooking and hand them their food.

"God! This is amazing!" Jane says. Basically everyone but Cole had that reaction then started to stuff their faces. Pretty soon they let their guards down too much and we took them out. We got ahold of their phones and called the police. We gave them the address tied the villains up then left. We took their car by the way. We went to my place and we were swarmed. I'm not going into anymore details but so cops got our statements. They were prosecuted and found guilty. Needless to say they ain't getting out anytime soon.

"Alex you slut!" Nicky greets me when me and Cole show up at the joint. She rushes up to me and jumps on me trapping me in a death hug. I chuckle I see Cole has the same problem. We went back to boxing as in we got the incites to meets. We slayed. Mainly me and Cole. Turns out we really over did it. But our bodies didn't change. At least in appearances. But our stamina, strength and speed were way more, More! All the local boxing teams held a party. It was on a night were Basketball and Wrestling were free so those teams on our side came. The teams brought Nicky and Luke too. We were confused but Cole and I didn't say anything. In the middle of the party Jay got the mic.

"Oh god!" I say when I see him w/ the mic.

"Shit!" Cole says.

"Attention everyone!" Everybody looks at him. "Tonight we have 4 very special people!" He says.

"4?" Cole questions as we share a look.

"Now there's 2 of the 4 who are to shy to say what's on their minds." Jay says. Me and Cole relax thinking he means someone else. "And 2 are just either stupid or dense! If not both!" He says. Me and Cole were anxious to know more. We were just nosy people. "So on behalf of the shy parties I'm here to ask...! Alex, Cole! Would you like to go out w/ Nicky and Luke!!?!" He drops the bomb and Cole and I freeze. All eyes went to us. I broke free first. I went up and took the mic from Jay.

"Nike if your this much of a bitch now! Then I can't wait to see you in bed tonight!" I declared. I did this while finding, making eye contact and smiling at her. Cole soon joins me in the center.

"Damn! I thought the Luka package came w/ a man! Not some shy little boy! Though I'll take it either way!" Cole announces doing the same as me. We then quickly drop the mic and ran!

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