Chapter 3

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"Morning bitches." I yawn. I looked around to see only Coach. "Early?" I ask pulling up a seat.

"Yep. What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nerves. Also the girls tried taking me from the guys yesterday. In turn I became an early bird." I answer.

"Haha! Trouble in paradise already w/ your harem huh?" He laughs.

"Don't say that! If they hear that I'm done!" I whisper yell at him looking over my shoulder.

"Chill they can't be that bad." He says calming his laughter.

"Our rooms have balconies right? Well why was one of them on mine last night? I had to get the guys to move her so I wouldn't get attacked." I inform.

"The fuck?! These girls are crazier than wrestlers and boxers combined!" He states alarmed.

"How early do you guys get up!?" Cole asks.

"Well you know how early I went to bed. But he still beat me." I say pointing at coach.

"We we're talking about her psycho harem." Coach says and I smack him.

"Stop that!" I say. They laugh at me. "Remember the balcony." I say and they immediately fall silent.

"We need another guys. Preferably extra gay." Kai states.

"What you want a boyfriend now?" I tease him and we all laugh. "But yeah either on the team or as a manager." I back him.

"But for now these guys are your new bodyguards." Coach says. We laugh and talk till the girls came.

"What's for breakfast?" One asks. We shrugged while coach said we hadn't ordered yet. We soon did though and they had amazing pancakes!

"Alright listen up Alex is up first. Then we are gonna have a long ass wait till you guys are up. Also this is like the wrestling set up. We go by weight class. They'll weigh you and match you up. I sent in your weight from our last health check 2 weeks ago. So they'll just see if your weight changed to much or not." Coach informs. We all nod.

"Hey when do the girls go?" A manger asks.

"I forgot you don't know the team. Y-" coach was about to say before I 'coughed'. "Ahem. Alex is our only female boxer." He corrects himself.

"Is Alex short for something? Like Alexandra?" One asks.

"Nope." I answer popping the p.

"So are you nervous?" A different one asks as they move towards me.

"Nope." I replied. I also move away.

"Hey if you want when you're done and we come back you can chill w/ us!" One says to enthusiastically.

"Get the cops and holy water." I say.

"Come on." Greg says bending down.

"Thank you!" I cheer hoping on his back.

"Come on guys let's go." Coach says. We were chatting and laughing heading to the meet. We walked in and we were all in all except the coach. He laughed at us. "Come on let's get y'all to the locker rooms." He says. We got to the boys and he handed them their uniforms. We got to the girls and he gave me mine. The girls tried to follow me but coach stopped them. "Sorry but boxers only." He says. They pout but leave. I head in and see a ton of girls. Some look at me others glance then go back to doing whatever they were doing.

"Hey do you have your bra?" A lady asks me. I look at her funny. "New?" She asks I nod. "I'm Heather boxing can be topless for both girls and boys but girls need a special bra made." She says.

"Oh. I don't know he just gave us our stuff." I answer. She takes my things turns out they're just warm ups. So she gets me sized. As I was getting sized I saw some girls staring. I looked down at Heather at first I thought she was getting the size but I saw a blush on her face. "Um.... am I good to go?" I asks getting uncomfortable.

"Just wait a few more seconds." She says snapping out of whatever she was in. "Also I'll get you measured for shorts." She says. I shift but didn't say anything. I kept looking around and at one point all the girls had finished dressing but they were just staring at me. After I don't know how long I got everything I needed. I quickly changed then ran out.

"There ya are kid! What happened?" Coach says. The whole team turns to see my most likely tomato face. I explained what happened.

"Damn! Are we gonna have to get you a private locker room!?" Greg says.

"No I need a weapon." I state.

"Kid I swear. I'll get us a separate warm up area. Guys make sure she don't get kidnapped or raped." Coach says. Greg picks me while the others surrounds us. We stayed like that till coach brought us to the warm up area.

"Put me down now." I say. Greg does so and we start our warm ups and practice. "Guys 10 minutes left." I say. We do whatever we want to work on.

"Brats! Move out!" Coach say. We head to the rings. I take my warm ups off and get ready to walk in. The announcer does his thing and now I'm in the ring.

"Good luck!" I say to my opponent my wrestling side taking over a bit. They don't respond other then a grunt. We start and I took them down in the first 2 minutes. Everyone was absolutely shocked. "Uh.. Did I do that?"

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