I wake up and see well more like feel that I am restrained.
"Are you awake Alex?" I hear Jenny ask. I stay still.
"Alex stop pretending." Daniella says. I don't react. I hear shuffling and I can tell that all the psychos are here. I hear and feel them get closer to me.
"Don't ignore us." Sammy pouts. I know they didn't gag me but they might as well have because at least then I wouldn't have to worry about them being mad that I'm not talking to them.
"Alex. Either talk to us or we can go ahead and punish you." Jane says. I grunt. So I'm blindfolded and chained to a chair. My hands are chained behind the chair and my ankles are chained to the chair legs.
"I know you're not trying to play it off as you were asleep." Iida says. I shake my head no.
"This is weird. She doesn't stay quiet. Alex does you're throat hurt or something?" Sammy asks. I don't respond to that.
"Alex we're being serious. Say something so we know your throat is okay." Daniella says. I take a deep long and slow breath in and let it out even slower than I took it in. As I exhaled I leaned back in the chair I was restrained to. They kept their eyes on me in anticipation hoping I would say something but I never did. The girls got hysterical and started to panic. I can hear them mumbling and pacing around.
"What the hell is wrong w/ you girls!?" Jason asks. Jane explained what has happened and why they're freaking out. I hear footsteps approach me then I'm temporarily blinded by the sudden light.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" Sammy asks as all the girls' attentions went to us.
"Look behind me." Jason says. I cock an eyebrow at his words but do so. Behind him I see Cole. And Vole was staring at me w/ worry and fear. I hummed and Cole blinked 5 times then snapped twice. I felt my face pale.
"Woah woah woah. Wait a damn minute. What the hell was that?!" Jane snapped. We ignored her and Cole did some other signals. So outcasts are secretive and like to keep to ourselves. And we ended up forming a community that all of us are very protective of. Like how even though Carly wasn't officially one of us. She was still seen as if she was. And the prank we pulled on her siblings can be used to show how protective we are of each other. But no body plans a murder out loud. So we formed a type of morse code or sign language if you will. Like the first week or so of school is when we teach the new members it. And members that join later on will be taught when the join.
"The both of you knock it off!" Daniella orders. Cole had just told me that they gassed us. They grabbed me and Jason was looking for him. He and the outcasts tried to get me to safety and any unconscious members. In short they fought hard and well but the girls teamed up on him and took him out. After that he only vaguely remember seeing that the girls and Jason had weird faces on as they began to carry us out. After that things went black.
"Alex! Are you still there?" Jenny asks waving her hand in front of my face. Jason is closer to and standing infront of Cole. W/ Jenny being in front of me and Jason where he was I could no longer see Cole.
"Cole! Fucking say something!" Jason orders.
"Fuck off." Cole says. Jason's eyes seemed to get darker and he moved closer to Cole. Cole took a step back sensing the dangerous aura that Jason was emitting. Cole backed up more w/ each of Jason's steps. He was soon against the wall and Jason was dead staring at him.
"Cole! I already told you that you are not allowed to talk to me like that!" Jason growls out as he closes the distance Cole had made and pinned him to the wall. Seeing this I got visibly upset and growled. The girls snapped their attention to me Jason just looked over his shoulder and looked at me out of the side of his eye. Cole kept his focus on Jason.
"This is like the most responsive we've seen you since you woke up." Jane says. I ignore her and death glare Jason.
"Sis you guys need to set some ground rules." Jason says indifferent. I tug at my restraints. The sudden movements made them jump. "Damn gave us all heart attacks!" He yells. I keep trying to get free. I was struggling so hard that my wrist and ankles started to bleed. When the girls noticed this they got involved.
"Alex knock it off this instant!" Jane orders. I start to struggle harder. The bleeding in turn got worse.
"Guys come on!" Daniella says. They come up and try to hold me still. I again fought harder. We spent hours fighting. I know this because Jason yelled at us while fighting.
"You guys have been fighting each other for 5 hours!" After I say 30 minutes they figured out how to restrain me to where I wouldn't be able to hurt myself if I struggled.
"Holy shit." Jenny says as she looks at my wrists. The girls went to see and I feel their moods change and fast.
"Why do you have these scars on your wrists?" Daniella asks. I see Cole look over at me at hearing this. I look up and down then blink to tell him I was ok. He nods in understanding.
"Hey bro get Cole to get her to say something." Jane says.
"On it." He says. He whispered something in my ear then Cole's eyes widened. I narrow my eyes and stared well more like glared at Jason. I was doing this while waiting anxiously to see if Cole was threatened or well know what just happened to cause his eyes to widen.
"Are you Crazy." My eyes widened at his words.

Boxing wins hearts?
ActionAlex is a high school sophomore. The school just started a boxing team. Alex has always been violent. She did wrestling and had fun but wanted to try something new. Her wrestling personality carried over to her boxing. The girls she's facing have be...