Chapter 16

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"So~! I think we should get a prize. Along w/ complete and utter control over you guys when it comes to products to produce and stuff." Jay says.

"Fuck no!" Me and Cole roar. So they managed to make 5 billion. I don't know how.

"Well we do get our food back though!" Dylan sings. We're not talking about the photo shoot because I still feel embarrassed thinking about it.

"You both can shut up!" Cole yells. Yeah we're salty about them beating us so bad. At least we got paid pretty well.

"ALEX!!!!!!!!!!" A cluster of female voices roar.

"COLE!!!!" A male voice roars. We now know who it is. We shoot daggers at the two idiots. But they're already gone.

"Hello! We got some merch if you wanna buy it!" Jay declares.

"We only want Alex and Cole." The mysterious girl says.

"This is Alex and Cole merch." Dylan informs.

"Let us see it!" Daniella orders.

"Not so fast! You have to buy it to see it!" Jay says.

"How much then?" Jordan asks.

"250 for individuals but for the set is 600." Dylan answers and I choke. How the hell did the students have that much money in their pockets!?

"We each want our own set. Sammy go out and get the money." Trish states.

"Well count it before we give you the photos." Jay says. So Sammy gets back in record time.

"Holy shit! You got enough for previous photos too!" Dylan yells.

"Ok then give them to us." The mysterious dude says.

"Kieth bring the older photos please!" Jay yells. In two seconds Kieth was handing the photos to Jay. They snatch the photos from the guys and look at them.

"The hell is this!?" Daniella asks. She holds up the animal pictures.

"Oh that's the first ones we got. They were a joker addition." Dylan says. The girls growl.

"Look at the others..." The mysterious dude says out of it. They do and they freeze. Me and Cole use this to escape into the vents.

"These were so worth it." Iida says.

"Agreed!" The others say.

"Wait we came here to get the people in these photos not the photos!" Jenny yells. The others snap out of it.

"Where are they!?" Mysterious girl asks.

"Oh they left." Coach says.

"This is getting frustrating! Either bring them out or we can just make you!" Kody threatens.

"Just leave them the fuck alone!" Zuzu growls.

"So you wanna get beat first!" Monica says.

"Leave them alone you psycho bitches!" Athena says.

"Leave pipsqueak." Jewly says.

"What are ya doing you here sis?" Herc asks.

"Did you forget middle school was coming over today?" She counters.

"Yep." My bros say.

"Of course." She sighs. "Anyways I'm gonna call Alex." She adds.

"Why do you have her number!?" The girls all ask.

"Bitches! I'm her sister!" Athena says. I send Ace a text telling her to avoid them and that I'm hiding. "Oh never mind she's safe. If I knew there was a Cruise then I would have made her sign me up too." She says.

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