They tried to put the collar on but each time one of their hands came close I bit them or tried to.
"Alex! Knock it off!" Daniella demands. I growl at her. They stop and look at me.
"Did she just growl like a dog?" Jason asks.
"Alex come on now be serious." Jane says as she tries to touch me. I growl and bark at her.
"Hahahaha!!!" Cole laughs.
"What do you find so funny?" Sammy asks.
"Oh that fact that you were gonna treat her like a dog but don't like it when she acts like one!" He answers laughing harder.
"We're not treating her like a dog!" They chorus.
"Bitches. You were trying to put a leash and a fucking collar on her. If that doesn't make you think dog then what does?" He says.
"A lot of people wear collars for fashion statements. And parents tend to put their rowdy kids on leashes." Jenny defends.
"So you're saying is that you're not her mommies and that you're forcing her to wear a collar as a fashion statement?" Cole says. They blush at being called my mommies but soon stumble for words.
"Haha! He told you guys!" Jason laughs.
"Shut up!!" The girls yell. Cole was making his way over to me when he was stopped.
"Where do you think you're going?" Iida asks. Everyone is no staring at him.
"I want to go be by my friend." Cole says.
"Um no. Why on Earth would we let you near her? Especially right now!" She says.
"Because I'm the only one who can get near her w/o her trying to break free and then resulting in her hurting herself." He responds smoothly.
"Hey! She was doing that because of you!" Jenny says.
"No. She did that because Dickhead got to close to me and said things that made me uncomfortable. Then you guys came up to her and she started struggling harder. The only times she hasn't struggled were when I was close by." He states. They soon realize he's right.
"But we still can't trust you!" Sammy says. "I mean you guys use a weird type of sign language to talk. Then if you didn't use that you could still whisper to each other! How are we gonna make sure you guys aren't planning something stupid!?" She adds. The others nod their heads in agreement.
"Ok then. I mean I can't force you to let me be near my friend just as much as you can't get my friend to like you in any way." He says walking away. I start laughing. The girls and Dickhead look at me. I immediately stop a few seconds to a minute after.
"What the hell!? We were just insulted and the person we want to care about us laughed at the insult!" Jane says. "Then when we looked at her she immediately stops laughing like showing any positive emotion was a sin and would make you drop dead on the spot!" She adds.
"Wow! You hit the nail dead on the head! Good job!" Cole says giving Jane a thumbs up.
"You know what! Maybe I should have Jason just fuck you to his heart's content. I mean if it wasn't for me telling him to take things slow he would be fucking you right now." Jane says. I paled. And I know for damn sure Cole paled.
"That shut him up." Daniella says.
"Yep!" Jane responds happily popping the p.
"Hey Alex how long are you gonna stay in that position?" Kody asks.
"..." I've been w/ my neck as crunched up as I could get. And my head down. Now everything is stiff and hurts like a bitch. But I'd be damned if I would let them break through my defenses and put a damn collar on me! Especially w/o a fight!
"Come on we don't want to do this again." Trish whines. I just close my eyes. I mean I might as well try and get some sleep. I mean nothing much else I could do.
"You are not about to fall asleep like that?!" Jewly states. I don't know if it was shock in her tone or if she was just stating what she thought were facts but either way I didn't care enough to respond at all and keep trying to fall asleep.
"Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! ... Woah. You better get your ass awake because one you've already been sleeping for way to long and we wanna spend time w/ you! And 2 you're gonna hurt yourself trying to sleep like that!" Monica says.
"She's right!" The other girls agreed.
"..." I didn't respond or anything and simply started to doze off.
"Hey! Can you help us out here!?!" Jane asks Cole.
"Nope. You made your bed now lie in it." He says. Then I fell asleep.

Boxing wins hearts?
ActionAlex is a high school sophomore. The school just started a boxing team. Alex has always been violent. She did wrestling and had fun but wanted to try something new. Her wrestling personality carried over to her boxing. The girls she's facing have be...