"Omg! I can't believe we did that!" I say panicking as we run through the halls.
"I know! They must have laced the punch or some shit!" Cole agrees. We race to the nearest exit. Just when we were about to run through we stopped. Frozen by fear.
"You two better have one hell of a good explanation." We slightly look over our shoulders. We see it's a basketball manager.
"You scared the shit out of us!" I say as me and Cole take a sigh of relief and run through the doors.
"Definitely." Cole and I had a brief convo on the situation that just took place w/ that manager. We ran for miles! And I do mean Miles!
"So how about sleep now panic in the morning?" Cole asks.
"Sounds good." I agreed and we set up for bed. Those miles we ran to get to my place really tired us the fuck out!
"You Bitches Had Us Worried Sick!!" Ace yells at slash scolds us.
"Sis she's right. Even though that was amazing! They're dead." Herc says.
"Oh I know that. That's why I'm not gonna force them to go to school today. But we were still worried. I mean come on! They fucking vanished!" She states.
"By the way bro. One of the basketball managers found us. How come she didn't say anything?" I ask. So you see my sister went on a rant about how they searched the entire building before they started to search elsewhere. I just found it weird that she would say anything.
"Oh? What did he look like?" Zuzu asks.
"It was a she not a he." I state.
"That's weird. Are you sure it was a manager?" He asks.
"Yeah pretty sure?" Cole answers this time. We share a look then turn our attention back to Zeus.
"Hmm. That wasn't someone that's one of us. Our team didn't inform the managers so they wouldn't have been there. And if they were then they would be one of the others guest. Which doesn't make sense seeing as our school cut itself off from the others years ago. Then the other schools have male managers for basketball. But their teams had one last game." He informs.
"Cole we better start the training again." I say.
"Definitely." He agrees.
"But y'all are gonna be late if you stay any longer." I inform. They all rush out. We were chilling in the living room watching TV when there was a knock on the door. We looked at each other confused. Our looks tell us that neither of us were expecting company. We get up cautiously. Cole grabbed the bat I had in the corner and I went to the door. I listened intently to the other side waiting to hear something unusual. I only heard breathing. Cole got ready to swing and I slowly opened the door. Next thing I know the door flies open and I had to jump back to avoid getting hit by it. When I look up I see them.
"Oh shit!" Cole says. I turn to see him paling.
"Hey there! Uh? We love you?" I say awkwardly while walking backwards.
"Mhmm." Nicky hums. She looks at Luke for a minute. A look he returns and then they start coming towards us.
"So 1 you guys get the beating of your fucking lives. Or 2 you spoils us all day today." Luke says.
"2!" We both yell.
"Good!" Nicky cheers. "Although I would really love to knock some sense into your dumb ass." She adds popping her knuckles.
"Um. You three can sit on the couch. I'm gonna shut the door then cook something." I say. Yeah best way to stay safe is food.
"Ok that's fine." Nicky says. They move to the couch and I close the door then start making the food. I decided to make crepes. So the entire day was me making them food then us cuddling and watching TV. My siblings and the teams. Yes teams. As in Bball Wrestling and boxing all came to my place.
"Oh thank god!" Ace sighs in relief.
"What?" I ask softly as to not wake Nicky who is currently sleeping on me.
"We tried calling you guys to check up on you and tell you they weren't at school. But you guys didn't answer. We thought something had happened." Carls says.
"Oh." Cole says.
"So how are you guys still alive?" Jay asks.
"They gave us 2 options. One was death the other was spoil. We chose the spoil. But anyways did you guys have anything to sell?" I ask.
"Yep!" Dylan cheers.
"Why am I scared?" Cole says. We go to move but the 2 currently on top of us asleep snuggle closer to us and tightens their grips.
"Oh we sold the video last night of you guys accepting to date them." Jay says. We had to hold ourselves back from jumping up and killing him.
"We can kill him later. So unless we're heading to the bed room don't move!" Nicky says.
"Damn sis! Was it only cuddles?" Ace asks.
"Shut the fuck up you dirty minded child!" I say. "But it is late and I am tired so yeah I'm heading to bed." I say. Nicky lets me up but then jumps on my back. I laugh at her antics and head to my room. So yeah guess this is my happy ever after. So bye!

Boxing wins hearts?
ActionAlex is a high school sophomore. The school just started a boxing team. Alex has always been violent. She did wrestling and had fun but wanted to try something new. Her wrestling personality carried over to her boxing. The girls she's facing have be...