So after their little stunt they would receive some pretty intense glares. The ex managers are really pissed. But all and all we've been good.
"Alex!" We turn and see them w/ the psycho boxers. Yeah we were in the cafeteria. Coach was w/ us because I brought food for us and samples of what we might sell.
"What are you guys doing here?!" Coach asks vanishing infront of them.
"We're here to tell our daughter that she's gonna be staying w/ some relatives. And these nice young girls offered to give her a ride down." The vile woman says.
"I have my own home. Why would I listen to you guys?" I ask.
"Because we're getting the paper work set up for you to transfer. And seeing as we pay for your schooling if we pay for you to go to a new school you're gonna go." The bastard of a man says.
"Actually after this year I can pay for my own schooling. And since you already paid for me I just to finish finalizing my paper work." I say.
"Alex please come on. We can take you home and you can start packing. If you hurry and we leave as soon as possible we can be there early tomorrow." Daniella says.
"And I don't care. I can and am taking care of myself. So I don't have to listen to any of you." I say.
"Call the police." Coach adds.
"On it!" Zane hollers.
"If you think we won't fight you'd be wrong." The mysterious woman says.
"And if you think I won't face all of y'all and still up a decent fight then you're wrong." I say threateningly.
"Alex you and Cole can be so much more at peace if you guys would just stop w/ the unnecessary fighting." Jenny says.
"Me and Cole aren't fighting unnecessarily. We're fighting so that psycho ass bitches won't have fucking control over us!" I yell.
"Enough! I know you can beat my sister but can you beat me?" The dude asks. He steps up and gets into a stance. I do the same.
"Alex kick his ass." Cole says. "Boxers ready. ....FIGHT!" Cole adds. We circle each other. Everyone formed a circle around to watch us. I already know Jay is some where recording. He comes at me first w/ a right hook. I catch it and twist his arm before pulling him forward and tripping him. As he fell I got on his back and pinned him. Sadly boxing rules are pins only count when they're on their back. He's struggling to get up. I rip his arm across his back. The sudden motion made him flip instantly. I plant a few blows to his face then I knock him out of commission w/ a overly exaggerated blow to the gut. I pinned him and won the match.
"Ha.... Now stay... away... Ha ha ha... from us..." I say panting to catch my breath.
"No way! Come on at least give us a chance!" Daniella says.
"Fuck no!" The whole team and I yell this also includes my brothers.
"Why!?" Kody asks.
"How about insulting my team for one?" I start.
"How about getting a boner while pinning us in a match?" Cole adds.
"How about going nutsy coo coo after just meeting them?" Zane continues.
"What about working w/ them?!" Zeus says. His voice laced w/ venom.
"How bout stalking them all the way to their homes?" Herc keeps it rolling.
"Need us to continue?" Greg says. They're silent.
"What's wrong w/ asking Alex's parents if we can be w/ her?" Daniella says.
"1 you don't know if I like girls. 2 you don't know if those two are homophobic. 3 you don't know what my relationship w/ them was like." I state.
"4 you went to her 'parents' to ask permission when you haven't even asked if she wanted to be your friend." Dylan adds popping up.
"What? We saw all the posts and stuff they seem like very loving and caring parents." The mysterious woman says.
"They lie." I simply state.
"What did you guys do to her?!" Jenny growls out their anger obviously rising. Everyone beside them gulps and take a step back. Well also minus the dude.
"We were stricter w/ her a- as she was the oldest. She didn't like that and played the victim then moved out. Behind our backs mind you." The bastard of a man says.
"That better be the truth. Or else!" The mysterious woman says slitting her throat w/ her thumb.
"Now! Alex! Cole! Car! Now!!" Kody says. We look at each other then back at them.
"This is our school." I say. Then we ran to the vent on the ground and crawled through it. Only those who aren't really popular know how to go around via vent. And despite being on the varsity team and shit. Me and Cole aren't popular. We're part of the team but ain't no one asking to any popular thing happening. We get to the outcast joint. That's the literal name. But we find a lot of our friends outside of a team or sport.
"Hey guys. Bout time our celebrities showed up." Nicky says. Nicky is super cool. She's what Sam from Danny phantom looks like. But she's not a mega vegan.
"Hey Nike!" Me and Cole say. She gets up and chases us. That's a nickname she got after she ran into me when I was tired. So now we use it as a joke.
"Enough. Really guys already?" Luke says. He's tan w/ an average build. We just laugh.
"Sorry Luca!" We both say. Now him and Nicky are chasing us. We finally stop and calm down. We just talked for the hours we were there.
"Guys! Last hour of the day! But crazy bitches and the abusers are still here! Also they tried to come in the vents but their to big!" Our look out for the day says laughing. We can't tell who it is because of how our system works. So you see we come here to hide. But since it's the vents but we have to know what's going on we have people that can spy on the normal school day. Someone announces it and the announcing thingy changes how your voice sounds. It was to make sure that if a teacher or the principal or a student heard us they wouldn't know who it was. We got the out of hell bell and we all collectively as a group left through our secret exit. I got on a school bus and told the driver the situation. He agreed to let me stay. He pulled off and they saw me on his bus. I got off somewhere way far away from my place. Jay texted me saying her was able to get them to buy the last Alex copies he had and at a 10 times higher price. I said meet at my place in the back door. I get home and just finished up the food when they showed up. Jay gave out the cash and we talked. Tomorrow was break so Cole slept over and we both decided to skip the last day before break. So did my siblings. We spent the day together bonding and Cole decided to question my brothers. We found out that my bros are LGBTQ as well as my sister. He was a real Sherlock holmes. Cole went home at lunch and the rest of the day was me and my siblings getting closer.

Boxing wins hearts?
ActionAlex is a high school sophomore. The school just started a boxing team. Alex has always been violent. She did wrestling and had fun but wanted to try something new. Her wrestling personality carried over to her boxing. The girls she's facing have be...