Five: Adjustment

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Its been A Couple of Days since We got to The Fog Center and boy am I Glad Paperwork isn't A Thing. Really I can Kick back and Relax and Attend A Meeting every Once In A While, Ichigo is out with Musashi to Train which I can't blame. Word has got out of Me Returning and my New Playful Personality has Increased Morale for some Reason. Ehh, The Fog will take some time of Getting Used To... I Feel Something... But What?

??? "Hello."

Yamato "Konichuwa."

??? "Fleet Of Fog Battleship Howe, Nice to Meet You Supreme-Flagship."

Yamato "What brings You Here?"

Howe "I wanted To Ask... Recently there have been Reports of Fleet's Encountering Humanoid Kansens called "Sirens" Some were Friendly, Others... Not So Much."

Yamato "Don't Worry, I have already Arranged A Meeting with the Siren's Leaders to Discuss."

Howe "Thank You, That's all I wanted to Know."

Yamato "One more Thing, Is you're Fleet on Standby?"

Howe "Yes? We've been Waiting for A Week and Some are getting Anxious."

Yamato "Here's You're next Task: I Want you to Enter Dimension 06-AJ9 and Spy on Honnouji Academy towards the North of Japan, Report anything Suspicous and Return after A Couple of Days. And make sure Camoflauge is Activated, I don't want to be Risking You're Lifes. You will Sortie Tommorow at Noon."

Howe "Of Course Supreme-Flagship, I shall Inform my Fleet."

Yamato "Thank You."

Everyone Respects Me... Completley Opposite to Before... I need to Stop thinking about that and Appreciate the New Chance that Life has Given Me. But... How am I going to face the Sirens? I mean its Clear they've Changed but... Who know's how Arbiter Is. Her Personality is going to Most Likely Be Cold... I'll need to Play My Cards Right.

Kongō "Yamato? Gunzou And I-401 have Arrived."

Yamato "Gunzou?"

Kongō "My Apologies, Gunzou is the Only Human within The Fog. He's Captain of I-401 Or Iona. The First Drone that Gained A Personality."

Yamato "Intresting, Where are They?"

Kongō "Coming here As We Speak."

Yamato "Thank You."

Kongō "And one more Thing... You touch Him, Ill make sure You Regret It."

Yamato "You're not His Mother Kongō."

Kongō *Blushes* "S-Shut Up!" *Gasp*

Yamato "Don't Worry, I know its A Figure of Speech."

*Knock* *Knock*

Yamato "Come In!"

Gunzou "Hello Yamato."

Iona "Konichuwa."

Kongō "Wait... Where's your Crew?"

Gunzou "There in the Lobby."

Yamato "What brings you back Gunzou?"

Gunzou "Im surprised You know my Name Yamato... Since... You Know."

Yamato "Kongō told me Already."

Iona "Its good to See You Much more Relaxed Yamato."

Kongō "Right? I would be Panicking if It was Normal Yamato!"

Yamato "Anyway, Do you need Something?"

Gunzou "I wanted to Ask, How are You?"

Yamato "A lot Better, How are you and Iona?"

Iona "Good."

Gunzou "Welp, Im Off!"

Yamato "Wait, Aren't you In A Fleet?"

Kongō "Me and Iona actually Can Sortie whenever We Want."

Yamato "Could you Two start Going Together? I wish for Both of you to Not be Alone."

Kongō "Very well Flagship."

Man, A Lone Human Surrounded by Drones... Wonder how on Earth His Mental Health is So Good... Ya know... Im gonna Go On A Little Cruise to Think... I mean I won't be Gone for Long, Right?

(Time Skip Brought To You By Count And Trigger Trying To Hook Wit And Cossete)

The Nice Seas... I remember Only Seeing the Harbour and Wondering what was Beyond the Horizon... This sure is Relaxing... Alone... It's A Little Risky but I can handle It. Which World im in, Im not Sure. I just Put In A Random Dimension Number and Went Through. Though it does feel Weird knowing that I can Teleport to wherever I want, And Im in Control of Futuristic Ships... Man all of this Is confusing Me... Wonder what Kind of World im In Tho...

??? "Hello."

Yamato "What The?!"

??? "No need to Panic."

Yamato "W-Who are You?!"

??? "Tester-Beta, or Simply Beta."

Yamato "Siren?"

Beta "Hai."

Yamato "What are you Doing in this World?"

Beta "I should be asking The Leader of The Fog that."

Yamato "I wanted to Relax."

Beta "Practicing my Skills with the Mass-Production Ships."

Yamato "Mass-Production?"

Beta "Arbiter will Explain Everything in the Meeting, Don't Forget."

Yamato "Right, You have any Idea On what Kind of World this Is?"

Beta "Well... I actually Don't Know. Im guessing you also Put In A Random Dimension Number Right?"

Yamato "Right."

Beta "What are the Chances? Eh, Could you give Feedback on my Preformance?"

Yamato "Hai."

Beta "Wait... Do you feel That?"

Yamato "Feel What? My Core dosen't Feel Anything."

Beta "But... If I feel It... And you Don't...... I need to Go!"

Yamato "Ok?"

What on Earth is Going on?

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