Six: Rush

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Why was Beta like that? Ehh it Dosen't Matter. What does Is I better head back... Yeah I think that's enough of this World... Plus, my Sister's could be Back by Now so I should greet them.

(Time Skip Brought To You By The Ghost Of Kyiv Trolling)

There not Here... I thought there Training would of Ended by Now... Ehh As long as they Don't overdo It.

Ise "Supreme-Flagship? You look Nervous... Is something Wrong?"

Yamato "Its Musashi and Shinano. I thought they would of Returned to Base by Now... Im worried Something Happened..."

Ise "Well, There In Dimension JQ-17S And there seem's to be no Abnormalities. They seem to be On A Long Training Session. Can't say I blame Musashi since She's Known for having Long Training Sessions."

Yamato "Still tho... Isn't A bit Abnormal? Plus Im seeing that Vanguard's Fleet are In the same area but In Different Dimensions. I want you to Order them To send Some Ships towards them to Investigate."

Ise "Of course Supreme-Flagship."

Yamato "Just call me Lady Yamato."

Ise "Hai Lady Yamato."

Please let them be ok... Nah who am I kidding? There Futuristic Yamato's. They should be Fine... Hopefully...

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No One POV

Within Open Seas... Lied A Giant Fleet... A Multitude Of Ships were Sailing Peacefully... From Small Freighters to Giant Battleships... There was Diversity... And at the Center was Vanguard... Her 16 Inch Cannons Lying High and Mighty in the Sky... She's known for being rather Cold but Very Caring and Is Very Liked by her Fleet... But...

Vanguard << You want me to do What? >>

Ise << Orders from Lady Yamato, She's worried for Her Sisters and you're the Closest Fleet. >>

Vanguard << Fine... >>

She didn't want to... But it was Orders from Yamato Herself, And she Couldn't Protest. She pondered on who to send Until deciding on A group of Five. 3 Destroyers, A Light Cruiser, And A Freighter just in Case.

Vanguard << Sheffield, Nizuki, Z11, And Kidd. Ive recieved Orders from Supreme-Flagship. You are too Break off, Enter Dimension JQ-17S and Head North of Bougainville. She want's A Confirmation on Her Sisters. Freighter Moresby shall be Joining you Incase things Are Bad or They need Emergency Resupply. >>

Sheffield << Understood. >>

The Five did as Told and Departed from the Fleet... and Vanguard used some of her Nanomaterials to Open A Portal for the Five of them To Enter... And soon... The Five were on there way to Find out why the Second and Third-In-Command still hasn't Returned to Base.

Z11 "So, what do you think Lady Musashi and Lady Shinano are up to?"

Kidd "Could be Anything, we won't know until we Reach Them. Plus, Its Supreme-Flagships Sistersm We can't Mess Up."

Nizuki "Hai, This is Important so we Must be On Alert."

Sheffield "Glad you're taking this Serious. This is Important and who knows what could be Happening."

The four Continued to Ponder what the Two Yamato-Class's could of Been doing, Z11 was Convinced they were Fighting Monsters, Kidd believed they Had ran out of Nanomaterials, Nizuki thought they were Exploring the World, And Sheffield thought they were Still Training. They kept Arguing while Heading for the Flagships Location... When they got there... They were Expecting something that wouldn't arrouse Much Suspisoun if any at all... But they Saw something that Half-Scared them to Death... Musashi and Shinano... We're being Attacked by Hundreds... Maybe even Thousands of Ships... All of them were Black with Red Lining... Just like Musashi... This of course sent them Into A Panic and quickly radio'd back...


On the Other Side... Vanguard's Heart skipped A Beat hearing That... However Her Instincts Imediatley Ordered A Complete Change of Plan... And soon the Entirety of Vanguard's Fleet were Rushing to their Comrade's... Vanguard also Radio'd All Flagships that could Respond... And Ise to Contact Yamato...

Ise wasted No Time to Rush to the Supreme-Flagship's Room to Deliver the Dier Situation at Hand...


Yamato "Ise? Why are You Pani-"


The moment Sakura heard that... She could feel Something in Her Body Snap... Like her Anger had just Broken loose... She Immediatley Leaped from her Desk and Ran straight For her Ship... Her Mind was Blank except for the Fear in there Eyes... After Literally Jumping onto her Ship, She created A Portal Underneath so she Can Instanly join the Battlefield... And when She Arrived... She could feel the Anger of Everything start to Build up around Her... She wen't on A Murder Spree.

Killing any Ship that wasn't In the Fog... She was Going Crazy from the Feeling of Her Sisters being Injured... And she soon Felt her Rage truly Taking Control... And her Ship started to Transform... Revealing A Absolute Menace of what looked to be A Cannon... This was the Super-Gravity Cannon, It can Annihalate Anything that get's In its Way...  Its Size differs From Ship to Ship... But the Yamato's have the Biggest one by A Mile... She felt Power... Something she Never felt Before... But also felt Rage... She felt the Cannon Charging and Like the Joker himself Could only Laugh Like A Madman... And it Fired... Obliterating about 40 Ships In A straight Line... But she wanted to Play God... She activated Her Mirror-Ring System which She didn't even Know she Had... Nothing could get through It...

She was On A Murder Rampage with no one able to stop her... And after Killing Over 700 Ships... Only then did the Enemy Disengage... And for Everyone In Attedance... Musashi, Shinano, Sheffield, Z11, Kidd, and Nizuki... They had now Seen First hand The power Of Yamato for Themselves... Speaking Of Yamato... She was Looking at the Fog to see if anyone Was Hurt... But when she Looked at Shinano... She was Confused...

(Should I make it so that Shinano can Change between Carrier and Battleship? Or keep her Like This?)

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