Seven: Meeting

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When Yamato laid Eyes on Shinano... She expected A Yamato just like Her and Musashi... But she Instead saw A Aircraft Carrier... A Ginormous Aircraft Carrier... One that put even the Midway Class to Shame... It was nothing like Any Fog Carrier... But... Its Paintjob was still the same as the Old Shinano...


Musashi "This Is A Revelation."


Kidd "My God..."

Nizuki "Lady Shinano..."

Sheffield "This going to Be News across the Entire Fog."

Yamato was Relieved since Her Sister was Ok... But Worried since Ichigo was never Supposed to have this Happen...

Vanguard << Lady Yamato! You're H- WHAT THE?! >>

Yamato << Vanguard... How... Nevermind. >>

Vanguard << Supreme-Flagship? What do we do? >>

Yamato << Escort Musashi and Shinano back to Base... >>

Musashi "Sister, We're Fine, We can G-"

Yamato "No... You need Rest... Vanguard, Who's Highest Ranking after Me and My Sister's?"

Vanguard "That would Be Iowa Lady Yamato."

Yamato "Tell her To Accompany Me to the Siren Meeting, At Dimension CO-93Z. 50 Miles North of Guam, I expect Her by Tuesday at 1300 Local."

Vanguard "Hai."

Yamato has only Been in The Fog for 4 Days... And Yet she's Already becoming Closer and Closer to Truly become Supreme-Flagship... But she wanted to Clear her Mind And just... Think... She waved Goodbye and Entered another Random Dimension... Where she can Think about Everything...

The Scene now Shifts to the Bismarck Sea... Where Iowa and her Fleet are Returning after Another Patrol... However... Iowa recently got A Call that She would be Lying if she Said she wasn't A Little Terrified...

Iowa "My God..."

Lexington "Iowa? Is something Wrong?"

Alaska "You look Nervous..."

Iowa "It's... You know the Meeting between the Sirens and the Fog right? Well... First-In-Command Yamato and Second-In-Command Musashi we're to Go... But since Musashi and Third-In-Command Shinano are Injured... I am to Replace Musashi..."

Lexington "What?!"

Alaska "You are too Acompany Lady Yamato?!"

Iowa "Please you Two, She expects me Soon and I can't be Late. Lexington, Take Command. Do not Sortie Until I Return, Understood?"

Lexington "Hai."

Iowa "Now if You Excuse me, I must Go."

Iowa was Slightly Nervous, but if the Rumors are to be Believed... Yamato has A much more Happy Personality and Alot more Playful while Also being More Intimadating... Iowa wanted Someone else to go... But she was Next in Command after the Yamato Trio. So she had to Assume Responsibility, She just Hoped the Rumors are True because She was Scared of Yamato...

(Giant Time Skip Brought To You By All Of My OC's Playing Truth Or Dare)

It's now been 2 Days... Yamato has had Alot of Time to think for Herself... She had Questioned if she was Ready to be Commander of the Fog... She questioned her Ability, Especially with her Past... But she knew... She was Summoned because The Universe saw something In her... So she sucked her Pride and Accepted that Fact...

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