Chapter 6

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***Chris pov***
they were all seated at the dining table as they heard Dave's confession about the dead body Chris had found that day.

So Chris, looking at his brother said, "I think you should start explaining things, Dave."

His brother took a deep breath and said, "right, you see? My first day in base camp was not what I was expecting, sure, basic training had prepared me for some of it, but there were these older guys, right? The ones that were there the longest? And Charles was the one who saw me, even though we were at different branches, he was nice to me, and soon enough we became buddies, he taught me some tricks, but most importantly, he had my back, but then a few months before he would end his tour and go back to the state, this business guy in a nice suit comes to the camp, he said he was representing this giant mogul by the name of Hannibal Corp, and that with permission for the President, he would start conducting human trials on this new drug that would make us better."

He stops and takes a sip of water from the cup Ashley gave him and he continued, "they even had a name for it, "project rebirth", that, of course, raised some red flags for me so I declined, but I did approach Logan and told him that I had a bad feeling about this, he agreed to go and check it out, next thing I know, he signs up with another friend of mine, a guy by the name of David Clark, and I don't hear from them again, not until two months ago."

Chris then leaned in closer and asked, "what happened two months ago?"

Dave took a deep breath before continuing, "two months ago a get a text from him, saying he had information on their project, and he wanted to meet up, but I couldn't get out of Afghanistan fast enough, so I was supposed to meet up with him this weekend, but by then he was probably already dead."

Then Ashley asked, "why does the name project rebirth sound so familiar?" it was Chris who answered, "that was the name of the project which made captain America a super soldier."

Then Chris' mind started remembering things from his college and he said, "wait a minute, Hannibal Corp was the name we found on the box he had in his place, and... when Steve was working with us, Hannibal pine was his benefactor up until the incident he had with us, I remember he injected something to the spiders we worked with, it was a blue..." he trailed off and then he said, "oh my god!"

Ashley put her hand on his shoulder and asked, "what is it, babe?"

"How did I not see it before? He actually did it! The crazy bastard!"

"He did what?!" both Ashley and Dave asked in unison.

Chris then turned his head towards them and said, "he created Captain America's super soldier serum, he tested it on the spiders to see if it would be safe, and he was breeding them, especially so that they would ensure they would survive the ordeal, and of course, him, but we all know how that went down."

Then Dave asked, "But the question is, how did he figure it out? I mean... wasn't It something the comic writers of the times just made up for the story... right?"

Chris was thinking again, and then a memory came to his mind, and he quickly went and opened up a website called "read comics online." And he looked up something, and after clicking a few times on the mouse, he smiled as he said, "yess! I knew it was here!"

"What Is it, babe?" Ashley asked as she has gotten closer to him.

"well it is something I saw back in college when we were investigating Steve, I remember briefly catching a glimpse of something, now I didn't pay any attention to it at the time, but in hindsight, I guess I should have look into it."

He then showed it to them, it was on the last page of the comics, and it was written in a way that one would easily look the other way, but Chris, with his experience with Steve, and with his time as a C.S.I and from what he had learned on his fortress he immediately recognized the chemical formula on the page.

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