Chapter 8

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Chris/Superman pov

Chris was now in the air viewing down at the ground troops that were killing people in New York, so after formulating the best plan of attack, he flew down to face them head-on.

Third person pov

Terry Labe was on the field with her cameraman, at first she was stuck on a boring story of a newly opened pet shop, but then the aliens came, and being the reporter she was, she took the opportunity to have her big break, Curtis, her cameraman was pointing the camera at her as she was saying, "this is Terry Labe from CBS news, in what seemed to be a span of seconds the earth came under the attack of this mysterious visitors from outer space, we don't exactly know what have we done to provoke their wrath, or even who this enemy of them that we are harboring is, but as the Quarth had declared, today seems to be our last day."

Just then Terry saw a shadow above her, and Curtis was looking up in fear, she slowly turned around and saw one of the alien's mechanized units toppling above her, and his canon arm was aimed at her.

She froze in her place, for what else could she have done? She had no way of outrunning that weapon, so she just closed her eyes and silently prayed for god to have mercy on her soul.

Just before the mecha could fire though, she felt a sudden rush of wind, and the sound of something powerful impacting it, and metal being torn apart.

Against her better judgment, she opened her eyes and saw something unbelievable, there he was, a man clad in red and blue looking every bit the part of him, and suddenly, she remembered the urban legend that started to pop up around a mysterious figure operating from the shadows, all the while being dressed like superman.

And then he turned toward them, and she saw the emblazoned 'S' on his chest, and the red trunks on him, and knew for a fact that it was him.

She quickly caught herself, turned to Curtis her cameraman, and said, "make sure you catch it all." And then she turned to the colorfully clad man and asked, "Who are you?"

He was just busy finishing off the unit by melting it to slag using his heat vision, and when he turned to her, his eyes red glow died down, and they became sapphire blue, and he smile at them and just said, "I'm hear to help, tell the world that if they will be willing, please hang on to hope a little bit longer."

And with that, he bent down and flew off to the sky at break neck speeds.

Terry was quick to capitalize on the situation and said, "ladies' and gentlemen, it seemed the Superman urban legend had just been proven true, and as you all witnessed, he means us no harm, so hang on to hope because superman is here to save the day!"

And deep down, she started to feel hopeful about the situation.

Dave/Green Lantern pov

Dave was making his way from the fortress to New York, he was reveling in the feeling of flying on his own, free as a bird, if he was honest, he always envied his brother for being able to do this, but now he as well possessed this ability.

He was so excited that he let out a big yell, "woooo hpoooo!!!! This is awesome!!!!!" he yelled loudly as he was above the ocean.

Just then Dave noticed something swimming under him and keeping up, but he knew it was impossible, at the speeds he was going, no mere animal could keep up with him at the state he is flying right now.

Just then he saw a figure breaking out of the water and briefly hanging in the air, and Dave's eyebrows rose up at the sight.

It was a human, or at least human adjacent, and he was wearing a green an bronze armor, and in his hand he was holding a weapon that he was not expecting,

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