Imaginary city.

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I see a world, where we can breathe.

People going on busses and hopping of at their designated stop, no altercations.

This city has homes for the broken, who make beautiful things.

This city has love in the air.

This city has all of our favorite comfort foods,

We all live near our friends and family.

Safety in knowing we aren't all alone in this world.

This city has fights, but we always manage to work through them and be stronger.

This city gives assurance to the unwilling and lost,

Freedom in the oppressed.

This city gives light in the darkest of areas so everyone can see what they have,

Instead of finding what they don't.

This city is the home we build in everything we say and do.

The homes we create for the people around us, and the way it makes them feel.

The place that we hold specially in our hearts for the ones we love,

And even if we dont love them the doors stay open, even when we dont want them to be.

This imaginary city is the home you have created for me.

The one where your reading this page and i feel your eyes making a home,

in your heart just for me.

The one where my pages give you a home, and you stay in my heart just the same.

The imaginary city that allows us to take part in each other.

The imaginary city that ties us.

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