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Tristan awkwardly twisted his body trying to see his side and gingerly dipping his fingers towards the injured side which pulled back with blood. He glanced around to see and freezed when he see the young boy staring at him with the most biggest blue eyes which sparkled with the hint of the sunlight.

Tristan was able to give an awkward wave towards him.

"Hey........I know that we just met and stuff .....Galahad ......but I could use some help ."Tristan said with a lazy grin trying to ease the boy who was clearly few years younger than himself.

Galahad snapped out of trance and hastily began to help Tristan apply pressure on the wound.

"Don't decrease the pressure on the wound . I will be back . "Galahad said hastily getting back on his leg and running deeper into the forest.

Tristan laid his head behind as he watched the beautiful boy run off.
'How did he end up in this situation again? Did the boy run off scared ?'
Tristan wondered when Galahad didn't return for what felt like eternity to him
When he heard the branches snapping .

"Here I am with some herbs ."Galahad said dropping beside Tristan and crushing the herbs.
"Remove your tunic please. I have to wash the wound first."

Tristan nodded while trying his best to remove his tunic without moving his wound. His body was filled with scares and wound from his years of training.

Galahad blushed when he saw the brown nut body of the man before him.
He gently poured the water he had got from the stream which caused Tristan to hiss in pain.

"Am sorry but.......this is gonna hurt . On a count of three ok?" Galahad said softly

Tristan nodded still in pain.
"One.....tw-" Galahad counted before solving the crushed herbs in the wound and quickly wrapping it up with his leather sling.

Tristan yelped out in agony and looked at the cheeky boy who only shrugged smiling softly.

"So.......pup where are you from.,"Tristan groaned.

"I am from the Nunnery just outside the forest. "Galahad explained .

"What about your parents little one."

"Am the son of .I was born out of wed lock. I am watched and cared by the twelve nuns. What about you......"

"Ahhhh I was just stopping by here for some adventure." Tristan said grinning
"It gets boring there you know. "

Galahad watched him in awe and fascination. "Are you a warrior?"

"Not yet. I will be in future . My uncle needs Knights for his court. Don't you wish to be a warrior pup?" Tristan asked.

Galahad wondered for some time deep in thoughts . "I do wish to be a Knight but I don't have the training to do so."Galahad said trufully.

Tristan smiled at the younger boy feeling a sense of protectiveness .

"Since you rescued Me it's my duty to repay you. I Tristan will look upon your training till I am summoned by my uncle in the court. "

That was how Tristan became Galahads trainer. Firstly the nuns were horrified of the brute bleeding and leaning against their little prince. But as the days went on they realised that the brute was not only charming but also hardworking and protective of the younger boy and offered him shelter.

The training was rough and Tristan was not a one to show mercy during the hard work. He made the younger boy work hard and before long the young boy was skilled as him .

They spended their nights sneaking up to the roof.The moon was glowing yellowy white and loomed large surrounded by its ethereal bluish glow.
Millions of stars were sprinkled behind it making the stars appear more brighter. Every now and then a twinkle caught Galahads eyes as he watched in awe causing Tristan to chuckle and hold the boy closer.

"Am leaving tomorrow pup. My uncle has summoned me to his court I am to set out for an quest ."Tristan said sadly
Embracing the younger boy even closer.

Galahad stayed silent for some time
"Can't i join you ?"

Tristan shook his head "no.....it will be too dangerous and your much younger right now."

Galahad snuggled closer to him his eyes shone with tears which broke his heart.

"I will come back for you . "Tristan promised."Well......I won't object if you gave me.......a token ."

Galahad cracked a smile and playfully shoved him "I am going to be a Knight too Tristan. Why should I give you a token? Am not a lady.......... and well......you wouldn't want me in that way."Galahad stuttered

Tristan frowned at such words and held Galahads face on his palm, Staring deep into the blue eyes which was full of uncertainty . Tristan hesitated and slowly leaned towards him in case he didnt wanted it.

Finally their lips met softly as Tristan held Galahad closely both blissfully smiling.

"Promise me something Tristan."

"Anything pup."

"I want you to remeber me . Will you remeber that we were here. Together.promise you will never forget me "

"Always ." Tristan said softly "I will never forget you. I could never forget you."

Before the sun rose Galahad quitely excused himself leaving him alone on the roof.

When the sun rose Tristan said his goodbye to the nuns and walked to the ship waiting for him on the shore.
Tristan dragged his legs . Normally he enjoyed the cheeres he received from his people but this time it flet like spears to his heart when he heard crunch a parchment in his pocket .

There was just few words written and a ring engraved with ' G' but it filled Tristan with immense joy.

"Till we meet again "

Galahad watched the ship leave the shore with heavy heart . He believed that Tristan would return for him . Years went by when unexpectedly his father Sir Lancelot arrived in the Abbey and was knighted by him

Lancelot left the abbey the next day but Galahad did not go with him as he still
Wanted to bid the nuns a proper farewell.

Lancelot left the abbey alone but as he rode along he met a brave knight and was defeated impressed by the Knights bravery together they reached Camelot where the knight joined King Arthur's knighthood .

Galahad had arrived in Camelot just in time for a great festival. Camelot was a beautiful place with colours and decoration with the help of Merlins magic. Galahad was overwhelm by the crowd and the towers that he failed to notice a figure lurking behind him.

Just when he was about to pass by a alley Galahad was gently but quickly pulled into the alley . Years of training kicked in as Galahd tried to fight off the figure when he was embraced by a strong arms and a familiar shades of sharp silver eyes met his blue eyes.

A low but familiar voice rang out."Hello pup."

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