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Thr battel raged across the battlefield. Mordred continued to slash his way acrosss the field while Knights surrounded Mordred who threw them back with a flash of her eyes Mordred turns and looks up at her.

Merlin finally entered the battel field . Using his magic he fended off The Saxons looking frantically for Arthur . When he finally saw the dirty blond hair he knew he was safe. Arthur looked behind him and their eyes met . A lazy grin graced their faces.none of them saw the figure lurking behind

Mordred stepped out from behind a rock and walked toward Arthur raising his sword. Merlin seeing the danger tried to warn Arthur across the field who blocked the attack and tries to stab back but stopped realizing it was Mordred. Mordred stabs him and withdraws the sword, fatally wounded him as Arthur drops on his knre but stands back up trusted his sword into Mordred.

Mordred smiled as he dies. Arthur looked down with sadness as he heard Merlin run toward him.

Morgana devastated by the loss of Mordred but smiled as she realised her plan had worked. Now the army of camelot had already retreated leaving behind a wounded king and his warlock. She watched as they escaped into the forest .

"We have to reach Avalon. Your bleeding out." Merlin states as he half dragged and half carried Authur his eyes filled with tears .

"You regained your magic?"

"Yes.......I saw you beofr the battel. You looked pale .......why can't you look after your self."

"Mighy be because I was missing a servant." Arthur said wincing with pain.

Merlin laughed but quickly remained silent as he heard The Saxon passing by.

"Don't worry. I will get us to Avalon. Just hold on. For one more day my love" Merlin said whispering a spell on the nearby bird to pass on a message to Gauis.

'Arthur is injured . We are going to Avalon.where he will be saved ' He watched as the blue bird fly away before continuing on their path.

The whole kingdom was in distress as the Knights and Gwen tried to handle the situation. Lancelot was far west still in battel. Gawine who was going to travel there was persuaded by Gwen to take her too.

"You know I can't gwen. The battel place is not a place for a lady."

"I miss my husband Gwaine . I need him. So you will help me .I am a lady and I am in distress. " Gwen demanded causing Gawine to roll his eyes and agree. They were right across the forest and near by Lancelot base camp when they were suddenly ambushed by the Saxons who knocked them out.

Gwaine come around and looked around for Guinevere but hw was tied between two trees.

"Where is she . What have you done. " He demanded at the thin tall figure of morgana .

"She is safe Gawine. I always had a soft spot for her. She is safely at Lancelots camp . It is you I wanted."

Morgana is stood before him with a box ."Tell me where the king is."

"No chance sweet heart. I'd rather die." Gawine grinned

"Then you shall have your wish......
.once you've told me.Not even you Sir knight, can resist the charms of the Nathair. "

Morgana opened the box and a small black snake raised up, hissing. Gwaine struggled against his bonds.

Gawines screamed echoed across the camp ground as Lancelot had finally found and revived the unconscious Guinevere. But when they arrived to the sight all they found was Gawine tied on the tree.

Lancelot quickly cut down the tired and fading Gawine as Gwen held his head tenderly

"I failed." Gawine said weakly

"No .......you didn't."Gwen said chocking in tears as lancelot kneeled beside him

"She is riding for Avalon." Gawine said the lights fading out of his eyes as lancelot and guniver sobbed beside their fallen friend.

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