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Merlin stumbled backwards to the castle . Dawn had already broke the city of Camelot shone under the golden Ray.

By the time he reached the Royal chamber Arthur was already up and pacing.

"Merlin......where had you been? I have had searched the whole Castle for you since midnight."

Merlin softened when he saw his husbands worried expression but he had not planned to spend the night in the forest . He had went out to scout the Saxons who were lingering around the kingdom .

"Nothing of great importance Arthur. Look I am fine . I am Emry after all." Merlin said with grin which was sure to annoy Arthur.

"Stupid prat ." Arthur mumbled as Merlin laughed and embraced him .

"I have came with a great important new My King. Call the Knights to the conference room after breakfast." Merlin said kissing his forehead

After all the Knights had arrived Merlin been to tell the tale of The Holy Grail and The words Kilgharrah had told him.

"So what you are telling me Is our chances of defeating Morgana And The Saxons are on the myth of the Holy Grail which by the way hasn't been seen or touched by anyone for centuries?"Gawine asked

"Well yes."Merlin stated simply from his place beside Arthur.

"Forgive me for not being very optimistic but isn't that a long shot?"

"Yes but it's better than nothing. " Arthur said . "And according to the prophecy its Sir Galahad who could retrieve the Holy Grail. "

"This is a bit too much of a long shot Merlin. The prophecy was set before my son was even born." Lancelot said

"Yes it was . Its his destiny . As it was mine to assist Arthur in his."Merln said looking back at Arthur .

"He is not going anywhere alone. I am going with him in this quest." Tristan growled from his place beside Galahad who was wondering if this was the great thing the dragon and told him about months ago.

"Calm down Wolf no body said he was going alone did he?" Gawine rolled his eyes laughing softly at a very crossed looking Tristan

"Yes. He shall not go alone Tristan. As we all know we are in War with The Saxons. We need all the help and Knights and soilders to fight here. Only a few knight will help Galahad in this quest. "

"I shall assist my son ."Lancelot said

"No Lancelot you cannot go . You are the one of the original Knights. We need you here. Sir Boris and Sir Percivial and Sir Tristan will guide Galahad in the quest. Am sorry."Arthur said looking at Lancelot.

When the room was empty again besides Merlin and Arthur , Arthur turned to him
"If Galahad is the chosen one why let the others go with him. Its his destiny and his quest ."

"Agreed that Galahad is the chosen one but the island is too far from Camelot. The dangers lurk everywhere . And I don't think Lancelot and especially Tristan would be glad with the decision of letting him go alone. Have you seen Tristan lately? The man is never far from Galahad ."

Arthur nooded his head

Merlin then broke into a grin "and remember the time you wanted to do YOUR quest AALONNNEE . Without me and Gawine I don't think you could have managed that ALONEEE."

Arthur frowned "that was years ago Merlin. Why can't you let it be."

"Cause those memories remind me of how much of a royal pratnesss you were. .........now look how far we have come." Merlin said softly.

Arthur held his hands. The fear for camelot still lingered in his mind but now it were filled with the memories of the past and the promises of their love .

"Yes indeed look how far we have come." He whispered out to Merlin

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