Chapter 26 - Calliope

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Chapter 26: Calliope

Village of Khor Qurid, Ysuelt Valley

A troll was loose in a nearby village. It was one of the Ysuelt's more common complaints. Trolls wandered down from the mountains on several occasions a year. They weren't particularly dangerous when they were alone. But they absolutely wreaked havoc on farms and markets and were an overall nuisance to the hardworking townsfolk just trying to go about their lives unencumbered. Calliope knew it would be a relatively easy task for a pair of monster hunters of her and Sebastian's skill level. That was why she had asked Quinn and Neva to come along as well.

Sebastian hadn't said anything about disapproving of the idea but he hadn't spoken to her since they'd left the keep either. The laughter from their previous conversation had all but died on his tongue when her new companions had joined them on their way into the village. Calliope could see that her oldest friend was in a surly mood. But she never could keep up with Sebastian's moods and there was a troll that needed tending to. Calliope hadn't realized how much she had missed hunting monsters in the short time she had been gone and she was itching for the chance to feel like a Ysuelt again.

They reached the village in no time at all but were met with reports that the troll had already lumbered off back into the mountains. Calliope took a few long strides out of the village, headed for the base of the mountains where the townsfolk had gestured.

"Cali, don't," Sebastian called out.

Quinn and Neva, who had both taken a few steps to follow after Calliope, faltered, hesitating and looking between the two experienced Ysuelt.

"They said it went this way, Sebastian," Calliope replied, beginning to stroll up the mountainside.

"Calliope," Sebastian barked.

She stopped then, turning to face her oldest friend. Sebastian almost never called her by her full name. When he did, he wasn't messing around.

"We let them go if they return on their own," he reminded her, his voice growing softer now that he had her attention.

"It's just going to come back, Sebastian," she argued. "They always do and then we'll be coming out here again next week. Might as well find it now before–"

Suddenly, the earth beneath their feet shuddered and a mighty roar echoed throughout the valley. Neva whipped her blade from her hip in a second. Quinn reached for a sword that wasn't there. Calliope and Sebastian both crouched down instinctively and waited. They all looked toward the village.

An instant later, screams tore through the day. A chorus of bloodcurdling, terrified shouts met Calliope's ears as she and Sebastian turned and sprinted back to the town without a second thought. Quinn was hot on their heels and Neva with him, though she was shouting at him to stop with every footfall.

Sebastian reached the village first. He came to a skidding stop right at the entrance, chest heaving and eyes bulging.

"It's–" he stuttered. "It's a– a–"

"Chimera!" Calliope gasped when she rounded the corner to meet him.

Calliope had only ever seen a chimera in the Ysuelt texts before. But the elaborate and colorful illustrations, centuries of years old, had not done the beast justice. The body of the lion was prevalent enough. The cat's head was framed with a plume of fiery orange mane. From its back sprouted the goat's head and neck that she had always found to be such a strange addition. And then the tail. Long and thick, black-scaled and glistening, the snake's forked tongue slithered out between its fangs at the tip.

"Cali," Sebastian said, turning toward her. She met his gaze and knew what he was going to say. They should return to the dwelling. They should tell Gabriel and Bruin and the others and let them handle it. Calliope and Sebastian had never taken on a monster the likes of a Chimera before. And they had especially never done it alone.

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