Chapter 47 - Calliope

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Chapter 47: Calliope

Palace of the Equinox Throne; Kingdom of Delos

"What does it mean?"

"The Chaos is claiming that the princess acted of her own accord in killing my brother," Maverick answered Calliope's question as his eyes scanned the letter in his hands, the one that his father had just handed him after summoning them both to his study. "He says she has been... executed for the crime of regicide."

Maverick's eyes snapped up to his father.

"Is this true?" he asked, waving the letter towards the king.

Helios gave a grim nod.

"We verified it this morning," Helios replied with a frown. "Some of Bijan's soldiers fled rather than bend the knee. They said he pushed her off Idoria's central wall in front of Bijan and everyone."

"And the rest?" Calliope asked, a tad impatiently. She knew it wasn't her place to question the king or his heir, nor was it within her rights to demand to know the contents of such an important letter. But she had been summoned here for a reason and she was growing anxious at what that might be.

"He's testing us," Maverick answered her with a sigh, handing her the piece of paper so she could read it for herself. "He claims to seek an alliance."

"Claims," she repeated. "You don't think he means it?"

"His terms are vague, scattered. He isn't particularly concise on any points that matter. He isn't arranging to meet with us or entertain any sort of mutual action. It's just pretty words meant to appease us so he can carry out whatever his true plot might be."

Helios nodded with approval at his son's interpretation of the Chaos' words but Calliope wasn't so sure. It seemed friendly enough. Delivering news and justice, calling Delos a noble country and reminding them that their interests concerning magic aligned.

"It's a threat, Calliope," Maverick warned as if he could see her doubt written plainly on her face. "When he mentions joining the might of our armies, it's because he wants us to know he's amassed an army. When he says 'unification of our great countries', it's because he wants to remind us that Idoria belongs to him now. It's all thinly veiled politics."

Calliope frowned, setting the letter down and feeling foolish.

"He wants to come here," the king said then, referencing the last bit of the letter that Calliope hadn't read.

"No," Maverick snapped quickly.

"Not so fast, my boy. We should hear him out. He's our greatest enemy, the biggest threat to our borders. Perhaps we can get more than we give. And if not, well, he is presumed to be our prophesied hero, is he not?"

"He's no hero."

"No, probably not. But he thinks he is and that is what matters. That is what we can use."

"He's been looking for her," Maverick said, nodding his head toward Calliope. "You saw the letter from the Duke. He tore down his estate and shattered the man to pieces to find out where she was."

"And Kael did not tell him."

"No, but someone will, if they haven't already. Or if he hasn't figured it out. I told you not to send an entire royal procession to collect her."

"So he knows she's here! So what? Let him come. Let him see her for himself. Let him have whatever conversation with her that he's so desperate to have. What's the harm in it?"

"What's the harm- this man has convinced thousands of people to stand behind him, turning against their homeland, attacking kingdoms, monarchies. He's taken over a religion, a throne, an army. He has talked himself into everything he has. And you want to let him talk to her?"

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