Chapter 37 - Gisella

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Chapter 37: Gisella

Palace of the Centauri Throne: Kingdom of Karil

"You found these in the princess' room?"

Nicolas had been reading the letter that Gisella had brought him, the one she had slipped out of Princess Vuha's room the night that she and Leon had raided the royal family of Toura's belongings. That had been days ago but this was the first time she had managed to get an audience with the king. Nicolas was keeping busy these days according to Ronin who stood beside her now. She had brought the letter to him straight away but Nicolas had been harder to get to.

"Hidden in a box with dozens of others," Gisella answered, stepping forward. "They're love letters."

"I can see that," Nicolas snapped. "This Bijan. Are we sure it's the one we're all thinking about?"

"The prince of Idoria does have an unusual name," Ronin offered.

"Prince of nothing now," Nicolas muttered.

The hair on the back of Gisella's neck stood up at the barest mention of the Chaos. She had thought of little but the note he had sent her on the very night she had retrieved this one.

It's time you and I had a little talk, Gisella Verlice.

She shuddered.

"Is there any way to find out if it's him she's corresponding with?" Nicolas asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"Handwriting analysis," Ronin suggested. "If you happen to have anything you know the prince has written. We can keep an eye out for any incoming correspondence as well, now that we know what we're looking for. Other than that, the only way to know for sure would be to ask her and given relations with her country, as well as the one you would be accusing her of conspiring with—"

"It isn't ideal. I got that, Captain."

"We could post guards in the mail room. Advise them to—"

"They won't find anything," Gisella interrupted and the two men looked up at her. She sighed. "The Chaos just took his kingdom and killed his father. Bijan has bigger things to worry about than some long lost lover at the moment."

"You don't know—" Ronin started to argue.

"She's right," Nicolas said, nodding in agreement. "I'love see if I can find anything I know Bijan has written. Comparing the handwriting seems to be our only way forward. Otherwise, we ask her or we ask him. And I'm not ready to do either just yet."

Ronin and Nicolas began to search the king's old study for any letters or documents they knew the prince had signed. Gisella, sensing her own dismissal, turned and left.

Once in the hall, she took a breath and allowed her shoulders to relax ever so slightly. She was still on guard. She always was. But she was also exhausted. She'd spent a majority of the day bringing the new spies up to speed and debriefing with Leon and Freya. There was always more news when royal visitors were about, always more reconnaissance to do and whispers to overhear. Gisella had hardly slept in a week but now that she had finally delivered that letter to the king, now she was anxiously awaiting a long night's sleep and blissful recovery.

Until she reached the door to her room and found it ajar.

She froze, reaching for her hip and the dagger she kept concealed there. She pulled it silently from its sheath and crept forward on the pads of her feet.

The room itself was dark save for one single sliver of moonlight falling through the parted curtains and across her bed. She pushed open the door and slid inside, blinking a few times to let her eyes adjust. She raised her blade and peered into the dark. She had just begun to make out a shape standing in the corner when a flame flared to life in front of her. She gasped and fell backwards. Reaching out behind her, she managed to steady herself against the wall as her vision was forced to adjust, again, to the sudden light.

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