Dawn of the USJ Incident

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The atmosphere within the League of Villains was incredibly tense. They were planning their first major attack since the death of Izuku's father. Sure, the incident with Endeavour would be talked about for decades to come, but this was different. This would be a large scale attack, against Pros and Students. The Endeavour 'fight' was essentially a hit and run. This would involve a battle, and be a full scale attack on the top hero school in Japan.

They had nothing to fear, though. The son of All For One, and current holder of the title, would be there. Sure, UA had many Pro Heroes, but none could step to Izuku. Izuku would mainly be an observer. After all, this was mainly an event to spread their name, and grow their reputation. The most powerful villain alive defeating some Pros, not a shocking story. Scary, sure. But not unexpected. The subordinates of said villain defeating multiple UA-based Pros, that was a newsworthy event. The idea that the already unstoppable Symbol of Evil had allies that could beat most Pros was one that not many wanted to imagine.

Touya had spent the last few weeks gathering underlings to act as a distraction during the attack. Izuku was powerful, as were his subordinates, but he was cautious. He would be there in case things went wrong, but hopefully would only be needed for intimidation.

Shoto had managed to get information about the plans for hero studies. He had also provided information about his classmates, teachers, and rivals. The most troubling discovery was the presence of Eraserhead as the main teacher for 1A. Eraser was a wildcard. Not even Izuku knows what would happen if 'Erasure' was used on him. Would it remove a random quirk? All quirks he had? Just the ability to steal and give powers? That was the main thing they needed to be wary about. But the time would soon come for the League to make a major move against UA.

The lab of Kyudai Garaki was full of tubes, machines, and the stench of death. Green liquid filled each large container. Suspended in each, were creatures of varying sizes, shapes, and power. Izuku paced the laboratory, searching for two in particular.

A large, black humanoid monster with a very muscular body, home to many scars. An exposed brain rests on the top of it's head. Small eyes embedded directly into the brain, providing an unnerving sight. A beak-like mouth filled with an array of sharp teeth protruded from the head. It wore only a pair of beige trousers and metal knee-pads designed to emulate skulls. It had nothing covering the lower legs and feet, nor the muscular torso. A label on the container depicted one word. Krieg.

The second was suspended in a container not too far away. It was a large, light blue, quadrupedal beast. It stood at a larger height than Krieg, when measured top to toe, but when on fours, would be as tall as the 1st Nomu's shoulders. Instead of legs, the creature had a second set of muscular arms. A third set of arms sprouted from the shoulder blades. The brain was not visible on this one. In it's place was a light blue block of flesh, the head, without eyes or a nose. It's teeth continued along it's jawline reaching all the way back. Covering the face was a large, disembodied hand-like structure. It covered the whole face. The container's label showed the name. Tenko.

The group stood on a raised platform in a large warehouse. Before them was the horde of low level villains gathered for the attack. Shoto had agreed to notify the team when 1A had arrived at the USJ facility. Izuku stepped forward.

"Villains. Listen to me. Today is the day we inflict a huge blow onto hero society. Today is the day All Might falls!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd of thugs. Many fired of emitter type quirks into the air.

"SILENCE. Calm yourselves. You will get plenty of opportunity to let loose once the attack begins. When the warp gate opens, you walk through it. Some will be sent to different areas of the faciity. Those people will wait for students to arrive before attacking. Do NOT kill any of the students. Our aim is All Might. He and the other pros are fair game."

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