A Growing Syndicate

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Izuku felt on top of the world. He had succeeded in a raid of the USJ. Fought multiple pros. Obtained a new quirk, and maybe new member. And to top it all off, Fuyumi had kissed him. He had thought that when his mother died, he had lost his last happiness. He thought that his life would be purely the ruthless quirk hoarder that the world saw in his father. But now, he could love again. And he couldn't be happier.

But for now, it was time for business. He approached the room in which Momo was being kept, and made his way inside, mask re-equipped.

"Miss Yaoyorozu, we meet again. I'm sure you have your questions, concerns, insult, and whatever, but those can be dealt with later. Now is the time to talk."

"I'll never talk to you, Bastard."

"Now now, I said we'll deal with the insults later. You have no choice but to talk to me. There's nothing else here for you right now. You are technically our prisoner, but hopefully it won't stay that way. Your life has been entirely dictated for you, hasn't it. No freedom, no choice, and so so many expectations. It can crush a person."

"How do you know this? What are you getting at?"

"What I'm trying to say, Miss Yaoyorozu, is as such. Why do you follow the path of heroism? Or, was it not your choice? Was it yet another thing decided for you?"

"I chose it. It was my choice."

"Was it? You don't sound sure. I'm almost certain that you didn't decide it for yourself. Think about the best uses of a quirk like Creation. In the medical field. Construction. Aid. Most business practices. But you supposedly chose heroism. Why? You're smart. Think about it. Your family have the money already, no? I may have the reason. The notoriety. Your family is very well known, and very wealthy. However, not nearly as much as, say, All Might. Or as Endeavour used to be, before I killed him. "

"That was you?!"

"Yes, but I'll get to that. Whilst we are on the topic of the steaming turd, he is a prime example of what I stand against. The corruption. You must have noticed it. Perhaps you were too sheltered."

"You're lying! The heroes do great things."

"Like setting up an arranged marriage for a teenager?"

"What? What are you on about?"

"You didn't know? Strange. Your parents have set up an arranged marriage with a family of heroes. Courtesy of your parents and the heroes, you are to marry Tenya Iida, younger brother of the popular Ingenium."

Momo was silent. She seemed as if her entire world view was crumbling. As if everything she had ever known was fake.

"W-what? T-they didn't, surely. They wouldn't have, right?"

She looked at Izuku, tears in her eyes. The sense of betrayal and realization becoming too much. Izuku held a sympathetic look in his eye. Kneeling down at the bedside, he removed his mask. Momo was stunned to see the symbol of evil's face, and so young too. But it was short lived, and the reality returned. 

"I know this is hard, Momo. But you must open your eyes. The world is cruel, so so cruel. You lived a sheltered life with no decisions of your own. You had everything you could ever want handed to you. Learning this now is going to be hard. But this is who our group is. A group of people who know the reality of life, the harshness of the world. We have all experienced the real world, and wish to repair it. Join us, Momo. We shall never treat any of our members badly. We know what the world can do. We intend to turn this cruel world beautiful. No longer shall anyone suffer. No longer shall anyone live a life chosen for them. The heroes will not be dictators any longer."

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