Eight and Nine

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The appearance of a new challenger did not seem to deter the apocalyptic creature, however. The Decay Nomu kept moving forward, ignoring the brawl between Krieg and All Might. The blonde girl leapt forward, hoping to replicate her mentors attack on the beast. The force of the punch impeded Tenko's advance, undoing a small amount of progress.

"Melissa! Move!"

The girl dashed to the side, just in time to avoid cannon fire from her friend in the red leotard. Tenko, however, simply brushed off the impact and continued. A second cannon ball was fired, but Tenko snatched it out of the air with one of its shoulder-arms. The ball crumbled to dust and was dissipated into the air. 

The blonde girl, Melissa, ran back to Tenko and punched it again. Not giving it a chance to rest, she launched at it again and delivered another hit. The constant, relentless stream of attacks drove Tenko further from the group. It clenched one of it's fists and collided an attack with Melissa. It's two shoulder-arms managing to meet Melissa's barrage head on. Melissa shot towards the beast, through the gap between it's arms, and into the air above it. She twisted her body to face upwards, before kicking the air, spinning like a wheel, and kicking downwards.


The nomu slammed down into the ground, creating a large crater. The nomu slowly and shakily stood from the ground. Melissa landed on the ground, panting. The special move had taken a lot out of her. To her horror, Tenko still stood. Any damage she had dealt was gradually healing. Once again, it's advance continued. 

By this point, All Might and Krieg had taken their clash all over the central plaza of the USJ, shockwaves from their fight disrupting any and all activity of the remaining villains. Colliding fists blurred at such a speed that only Izuku and All Might himself could perceive. Krieg began slowly losing ground as All Might continued his assault. 

Glacia commanded Kurogiri to trap All Might in a warp gate. The mist man opened a gate below the two fighters, and they sank in. Kurogiri allowed the Nomu to fall through completely, but held All Might still. Krieg was returned to it's commanders, but All Might was being slowly crushed.

"Kurogiri, kill the Hero. My father's death will not be forgiven."

"At once, Sir."

The gates began to snap shut, but a yellow flash emptied the void. Melissa lay All Might down a safe distance away, and he stood to his feet. The two blonds both powered up, facing off against the two advancing Nomu.

The two Nomu began to walk, but only made it a few steps.

"All For One, sir. Search has picked up heroes not too far away. They'll be here any minute."

"Right. Thank you, Glacia. Test run successful. Kurogiri, remove Tenko."

"Are you sure, sir? He could still be of use."

"I know that Kurogiri. We can't afford to lose neither Krieg nor Tenko. Take Tenko away, Krieg can hold out a little longer."

"At once, Sir."

Kurogiri opened a gate, Tenko walking through. All Might tried to stop it, but Krieg intercepted. Their clash resumed, the eighth user losing ground steadily. The ninth user switched between watching for an opening to help her mentor and nervously eyeing the Symbol of Evil. 

He had yet to move. That was the scariest thing. He hung there in mid air, issuing orders and observing. Never moving. Never attacking. Just watching and commanding. The most powerful villain in the world was present, but not acting. He watched, potentially acting if he needed - or maybe even if he just wanted - to but yet never moving. All heroes and students could only hope that he didn't move.

Gunshots rang out from the entrance, and Fuyumi was hit with multiple bullets. She collapsed to the floor, immediately being surrounded by her brothers. Dabi yelled out in anger, and blasted a large ball of blue fire at the culprit. Snipe was shielded by a blood wall from Vlad King. He emerged from behind the wall, preparing to fire more shots at Izuku's team. The shots are fired, with an ice wall forming to block them. Natsuo readied his quirk for another shield, and Snipe aimed once again. Shoto weighed up the possibility to step in.

"That is quite enough, Hero."

Razor thin wire whipped across the area, and sliced off Snipe's hand. All eyes turned to All For One, who was slowly lowering himself to the ground.

"You should know that I'm protective of my own. Face the consequence."

He turned and walked over to he downed Fuyumi. The two Todoroki brothers moved aside to allow Izuku to get to Fuyumi. Izuku knelt down, and his dark horn began to glow. Fuyumi was surrounded by the same glow, and began to heal. The wounds closed and her condition returned to normal. Izuku scooped her into his arms, and went through a warp gate. He returned a few seconds later without her.

"Kurogiri. Send Dabi and Hyoketsu to Glacia's location. I'm sure they are worried sick. After that, remove Krieg from here. I'll tidy up. We'll retreat for now."

Kurogiri bowed and did as asked. All For One turned back towards the heroes, once again beginning to levitate.

"I do not take kindly to people hurting my team. And you did just that. Prepare heroes."

He lashed out with wires, slashing at the opponents. All Might charged him in a burst of speed. Izuku powered up Springlike Limbs, 3x Strength Enhancer, 2x Kinetic Booster, and Hypertrophy. The attacks met with the Symbol of Peace coming out worse than the Symbol of Evil. Ectoplasm clones swarm Izuku, attempting to overwhelm him with numbers. 

Izuku flicked his wrist. Wires whipped around the field, shredding the clones with ease. One approached from the front, but a Rivet Stab quickly dispersed it. Clones continued the onslaught, and continued to get sliced by the threads. Izuku cancelled the thread quirk, and charged to the group of heroes. Two ectoplasm clones were dispatched by a touch from Izuku's recently acquired Overhaul quirk. 

Snipe shot with his remaining hand, only to have it sliced through by another wire. Vlad King was next on the chopping block. He attempted to attack, only to receive a gut punch from All For One. Nezu was knocked off the shoulder of the hero and got slammed into the floor by Rivets. Cementoss' cement created a dome around the villain. A burst of Air Cannon breaks the dome, and All For One appears in front of Cementoss landing an enhanced punch. 

Before Midnight can use her quirk Izuku kicks her into Present Mic, knocking them out and breaking Mic's gear. Hound Dog charges, but is met with an enlarged arm boosted by a Strength Enhancer. He was flung outside the building and knocked unconscious. Power Loader had gone underground to ambush All For One, but Infrared and Vibration detected him. All For One destroyed layers of the floor using Overhaul, revealing Power Loader. All For One reformed the floor into pillars and chains. The pillars slammed into Power Loader and the chains trapped him on the ground. 

With the Pros dealt with, Izuku went to the downed All Might.

"Well, Toshinori. What should I do now? I could kill you here and now. But, I could also leave you to view your own failure. Poetic, no? My father wanted me to make a spectacle of your death. I won't kill you now. That'd be too simple. You'd be a martyr. People would like you even more. No no no. I shall let you live for now. But beware All Might. You will die soon."

All For One looked over to the students. 

"Hmm. I've just thought of something. This one will do nicely. Enjoy your failure, Yagi."

All For One raised his hand, warping a student over to him. Everyone present looked in horror. Momo Yaoyorozu was in the grasp of the number one villain.

"Farewell, Heroes. Fufufufufufu."

Izuku retreated into a warp gate, chuckling. The heroes could only watch. The villains may have not succeeded in their original goal, but had in no way lost. Both Nomu still intact, many heroes injured, the new All For One made his official debut, and a student was taken. All For One had delivered a huge blow to the heroes. And not a single major villain had been arrested or injured long term.

All For One: 1

Heroes: 0

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