6 Tyson Meets Officer Scott

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I take a deep breath before knocking on the door labeled "Officer Scott." I can do this.

I have to do this.

A sweet-sounding voice immediately answers, "It's open."

As the door slowly swings open, Officer Scott is revealed. The man behind the proverbial curtain is not a man at all. A gorgeous, early 30's something woman with a perfect milk chocolate complexion and beautiful, blinding smile is sitting across the room in an office chair, looking at me.

"Officer Scott?" I question, not totally sure that such an attractive woman could be a police officer, let alone my probation officer.

"That's me. Are you surprised?"

"To be honest, yes. Very. I was expecting a balding middle-aged man who has clearly eaten too many doughnuts."

She smiled, "That's what I actually look like," moving her hands from head to toe as though she is presenting herself as a Showcase Showdown prize, she adds, "This is my undercover disguise."

I couldn't help but chuckle. She's got wit. I like that.

"How are you today, Tyson?"

Shitty. I think. "Okay, I guess."

"How are you enjoying Asheville?" she inquires.

See previous response. I just shrug.

"Well, as you know I have been court appointed to you because of the incident earlier this year. Reckless endangerment is no joke. It's a gross misdemeanor which normally has some jail time. But you were given this option instead."

I nod. It's the millionth time I heard how "lucky" I am not to get a year in jail.

"Keep in mind, it has been a really long time since I have been a probation officer, but the judge gave me special permission. Article 20 of North Carolina law states that I must meet with you to make sure you are on the path to reformation. All things we talk about together are documented but are only shared with the judge that ruled in your case on a need-to-know basis. I am here to help you. I hope that you learn to see me as a supportive outlet you can trust."

Doubtful springs to mind.

"Okay...Well, do you want to explain to me why you are here?"

My fandom for Officer Scott is suddenly lost with this question.

"You know why I am here."

"You're right, but I would like to hear your version. I am only basing what I know of the situation on your file."

I let out an annoyed sigh. "The court said I was guilty of driving under the influence of drugs and almost killing my passenger."

"That is what the court said. I already knew that. What about you? What really happened in that car, Tyson?"

My mind fills with the cold February night. I arrive at the fraternity house near midnight. There is only so much studying any college student can do on a Friday night before he cracks. It was time to leave the law library when I noticed I was the only one there.

I am met at the door by Brian Graves.

"Crawford! Fuck, bro, it's about time you got here. Everyone is looking for you!"

Graves hands me an unopened beer. I thank him and walk into the foyer of the house. I crack it open and put half of it back.

The wooden floor creaks as I make my way in and out of the main floor's rooms greeting people and catching up with the fraternity brothers. I even take a moment to make a cameo in the basement.

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