21 Tyson Gives an Inch

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"Ty!" Megan screams as she swings the car door open and pounces on me. "I have missed you, honey!"

"I've missed you, love," I tell her, hoping it sounds convincing.

Strangely, I haven't even thought much about my college friends over the past few weeks. I have been so busy with fixing up the cabin and community service and meetings with Officer Scott that I haven't really had the time to sit and dwell. And in what little free time I have had, thoughts of how much I want Jack monopolize any available synapse.

Without looking into the cab of the pick-up, I grab my overnight bag from the bed. Then I plop down in Meg's passenger seat and ramble through the normal catch-up questions as she pulls out of her spot and heads us toward the highway.

I gave myself some advice about leaving Jack. Out of sight out of mind. This weekend was about having fun with friends and seeing where Sean and I stand. Jack can go fuck himself.

Megan and I quickly made it through the basics: How is summer? Is she seeing anyone? Is she ready for school in three weeks? Needless to say, I was a bit caught off guard when she said she was surprised to find out Sean invited me. Don't get me wrong, I was pretty surprised, too, but to tell me was a bit harsh of her. I have to give her props, though. Thankfully, fake is never something Megan is. She has always been straight up with me, hell with everyone, and I appreciate that about her.

"I thought for sure after the accident you two were dunzo. His parents were pissed. When he finally got out of the hospital..." she fades off when she realizes I have turned my attention to the passing scenery.

The topic hasn't come up much since my hearing, so I still don't know how to approach it all that well. Especially since I have told Jack the truth, I am nervous I will now not be able to hold it back from other people if they engage me in conversation about it.

"I am so sorry, Ty. I'm an asshole. I started rambling."

"It's okay," I tell her, mustering up a smile. "It has been six months. I have done a lot of soul-searching and reflecting on my fuck up. I have found a way to live with it. I am just hoping this an olive branch from Sean."

My friend gives me a big toothy smile. "I think it is. I mean, it is clear you two belong together."

"Yeah," I say, turning my attention back to the window for just a moment before her comment sinks in. "Wait, what?! Belong together? Meg, Sean and I aren't-"

"Save it, mister. It is clear as white cotton covering a nipple in a wet t-shirt contest what you two are. The late night hangouts, the drunken parties, the legit chemistry between you. You don't have to lie anymore. Well, to me at least. Sean's parents may be a different story."

"And his fraternity brothers and his friends and his flavor of the week girlfriend."

We both laugh.

"Are we really that obvious?" I inquire once we both pull ourselves together.

"Nah, you guys are actually pretty good about keeping it a secret. I am just really good at noticing the small things. The times you are both missing at once. The way you look at each other. The way you finish each other's sentences. Some of it is textbook, my friend."

"Hmm," is all I say in return.

"No worries, Ty! This is going to be a great weekend!"

"Yeah!" I scream dramatically in hopes of dispelling any of my newfound fears.


When we arrived at the huge loft complex that looks like it used to be an old tobacco mill, Megan buzzed Sean, and he gave us the green light. Even as many times as I told myself that I would be, I was not prepared for seeing Sean when he opened the door.

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