4 Jack Growls

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Since Tyson has gotten here, I haven't seen him. He went up and put his bags in the upstairs bedroom. The same one he always claimed. That room was always his favorite because the sun would come in the windows in the morning and wake him up. He always called it his "natural alarm clock." The few times his parents made him sleep in the bottom floor bedroom, he complained about how much it seemed like a dungeon down there. Dungeon or not, he knows that the only other thing on the top floor is the bathroom so he pretty much has the area to himself. Not that I guess it matters because as soon as he put his stuff down he marched right out the front door.

That was around noon.

It's now 7 p.m. and I am pulling dinner out of the oven. It's my famous Buffalo Sausage Mushroom pizza. Growing up, Tyson called it "A Spicy Mushroom" and would say it in a fake Italian accent while kissing his fingers. It always made me smile.

He must know it is time to eat because he slides quietly in the back door and takes the doorway into the foyer.

As he approaches the first few steps I call to him, "Tyson, time to eat."

"Not hungry," I hear him chime back.

I walk into the foyer and find him standing on the fifth step.

"Come grab a slice of pizza. It's Buffalo Sausage Mushroom. You haven't eaten all day."

"How do you know? I walked into town. I could have eaten there. So, I return to my first answer: I am not hungry," he reminds me.

"Okay, but it's gonna get cold."

"Listen, Jack, I am not a child anymore. I am an adult. More importantly, you are not my mother," Tyson says with flames in his eyes.

There is something about the way he says "mother." I know it is a jab at me. Like a hot rod drag racing, I can feel myself losing control.

"Oh, I know. I'm your fucking jailer, remember. Some adult you are being. You couldn't pull your shit together. Now you are stuck with me for the summer. Hate it for ya. News flash, you are under my roof. So it's time to follow my goddamn rules," my statement turns gruff as I slam my hand down hard on the banister, making a loud clap sound.

He flinches with surprise.

I instantly regret my outburst. I feel like a hypocrite.

Tyson's wide eyes narrow on me before he turns and goes upstairs.

"Fuck you, Jack," he growls, not even turning to acknowledge me.

"Tyson..." I call after him with the closest thing to calm I can muster.

The door to his room closes.

"Don't forget you meet with Officer Scott tomorrow," I shout up the steps before shaking my head and returning to the kitchen for a piece of pizza.

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