34 Jack Gets His Back Stabbed

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To tell the truth, I thought nothing about what Tyson and Ray did before Ty rejoined me in the tub. Nor did I care. We both knew I could tell when we kissed but a little part of me found it even hotter. The idea of Tyson being all sexed up already and wanting me, made me crave him even more. In an instant, the young hunk was over me and squatting down. Fireworks of ecstasy exploded in my body when my cock easily slid through his tight but ready love ring.

His breath caught as he let out a sexy moan in my ear. His insides were warm and snug.

"I saved this for you," he whispered.

These five words unleashed my animal side. With only a few thrusts, he and I were splashing water up and over the sides of the tub. I pull Tyson tightly to my body and I feel his own tool slide up and down, pinned and frotting between our wet stomachs.

"Hot damn, Jack! Your dick inside of me feels so good!"

This only makes me pound him harder. Our mouths are all over each other. There's panting and I am moaning as my prick slides deeper and deeper inside of him.

"Shit! You are fucking my hole so good it's gonna make me cum," he warns.

I reach into the water and start pumping his pipe. With the other hand I pull his head hard into mine, our mouths open and become one in passionate kissing. I know I am going to shoot at any moment.

It is when he presses his forehead against mine and lets out a long hiss, that I know he blowing his load. With each spasm, his hole grips my cock tighter, and his cock covers my chest with his butter as it splashes in and out of the bath water. This puts me over the edge.

"Ahh, fuck!" I growl, and I fill his ass with the first spray of my load. I churn that hole with a thrust each time I blast my hot man batter until my spasms stop and Tyson sits exhausted on my still hardened dick.

"Damn, stud. You took that like a champ," I manage between soft kisses.

He lets out a cute chuckle.

"I wasn't gonna miss any of it. That was awesome," Tyson replies, out of breath.


We continue to kiss as I slide out of Ty, and he repositions himself to lie on top of me.

"I could really get used to this," he says looking into my eyes.

I wink at him, unable to hide my smile.

"Come on. Let's get finished up and head to bed," I tell him.

"Only if 'bed' means doing that again!"

I laugh and ruffle his wet hair.

"Of course."


It was Ray's call that finally got us out of bed. Needless to say we got to sleep pretty late. He explained how he got held up with some stuff at the gym. Seems they had a break-in. He told me it was nothing to worry about, but he won't be able to make it back until tomorrow. He must have known that this news set off a bit of panic in my mind, for he immediately reassured me that he knew that was the day before the preliminary hearing, but everything was taken care of.

"Don't worry, bub. I have it all together and ready to ride in like a brave knight on a noble steed and rescue you."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, okay, Shrek."

"Hey. He gets it done in the end. Now, no more worrying. Get back to working on pounding out...the last of the improvements to the cabin."

I can hear the cunning in his voice.

"You are a punk, but I love ya. Get your ass back here ASAP, so we can put this whole mess behind us."

"Will do. Love you. See you soon."

The rest of the day Tyson and I put the finishing touches on a few spots on the roof and paint some of the trim work. Taking a step back from the ole abode, the place really looks awesome.

"Wow," Tyson murmurs.

"No joke," I return.

The rest of the night sneaks by. Dinner. Fuck. Bath. Fuck. Bed. Fuck. It is like I am a teenager again. I just can't keep my eyes or my hands off Tyson, and he is no better.

It doesn't take long for either of us to pass out after our final session for the night. Mix the joy of completion with the siren song of the frogs and crickets and it's lights out.

A quiet creak from downstairs catches my ear. From a dead sleep, my eye spring open as my brain sounds the alarm. I blame the part of me that has never quite left my prison habits behind. I slide carefully out of bed not to wake my sleeping hunk though I know the wine and sex coma he is in at the moment would prevent him from hearing a 747 land on our roof.

OUR. Hmm. I like the sounds of that.

I grab a pair of jeans from the floor and pull them up over my cotton shorts. For a moment I consider the closet, but pass on grabbing the baseball bat that I have stashed there. Knowing all of the squeaky steps, I slip down the stairs like a ninja. From the foyer, I can see that the back door is open, revealing the screen covered in moonlight. A chill shakes me. I am not sure if we left the door open before going to bed.

My question is answered in the next moment. From behind me, large arms loop around my neck and constrict like a thick noose. After the second of panic wears off, my mind kicks into the fight option of flight or fight. With as much power as I can muster, I ram my assailant into the wall. Plates clang in the sink. A picture falls from its nail. I hear male grunt sounds in my ear.

The knot around my neck loosens just enough for me to force one hand up between his arms and my neck. With a quick lunge, I step to the right and send a powerful elbow to the gut of the guy holding me. This leaves me with only a moment to make my move, but a moment is all I need. Using all of my strength, I thrust my ass into the dude behind me, grab onto his arm with my other hand, and spring my torso downward using my hips as a hinge.

As planned, my attacker goes flying over my shoulder onto the kitchen floor. Midair, my eye catches a glint of gold projected from my human cannonball, but I ignore it. I am too busy hoping this ass doesn't destroy the cabinets he just landed against. From the tile, the goon looks up at me with a groan.

"It's you," I hear myself say to the bozo from the bar fight Ty and I got into last week. "You stupid fuck, I told you I didn't know anything about Claire."

"You don't get it. Claire was my sister."

This confession leaves me speechless. There is serious hurt in this guy's eyes, and not just because I slammed the shit out of him. He looks like a lost puppy. Part of my heart breaks for him.

"And I have to know what happened to her. And my boss said you are the only one who can help me. He told me he knows you killed her."

"Boss? Who's your–"

The sound of a gun cocking stops my mid-sentence.

"Who's the stupid fuck now," I hear a weaselly voice behind me.

The guy on the floor mouths an apology. I shake my head to say no hard feelings. When I turn to find my second attacker I feel the air in the room turn to lighter fluid. Not because this stranger's snake tattoo wrapped around his arm was described in perfect detail by Tyson as the guy that shot Blake, no, my lungs burst into flames for another reason. I know the third intruder standing behind the tweaked-out meth-holic holding the gun.

"J'Nae," I spit. The betrayal cuts deep.

My friend steps out from behind the gunman and calmly places her hand on the guy's firing hand. In a gentle, motherlike move, she lowers his arm to his side and then turns her attention back to me. She looks terrible. Her hair is a mess, it looks like she has been crying, and the bags under her eyes give me the impression that she hasn't slept in days.

"Jack," she says with a defeated sigh. "I'm sorry. I need your help."

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