22 Jack the Therapist

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"Hey, J'Nae," I greet, answering my phone. I sit in my truck in front of the downtown bar. "Everything alright?"

"Hey, Jack. Sorry. I didn't know who else to call."

Ah oh. Somethings up. It can't be Tysons. I just dropped him off a few hours ago.

"I am always here for you. You know this," I remind my friend.

She sighs. "Thanks, Jack."

She isn't forthcoming, so I make an educated guess. "Is it the night terrors, again?"

"Yes," she says softly as if she will summon them on the spot if she speaks any louder.

"Okay. Gotta talk about them. That's the only way to make them go away."

Almost as if she was waiting for my permission, she launches into her latest nightmare.

I am running down a dark street. My heart pounding in beat with the sound of my bare feet hitting the hard pavement. All of the houses suddenly look like the house from hell--the house that I was kept enslaved in. I can hear Nash screaming. I call out to him but it is no use. I can't see him and I know I can't save him. I know he sacrificed himself for me.

I take a corner into a dark alley and there he is. Nash is chained in the corner where the brick walls form a corner. He looks up at me. Blood covers his face.

"Gerty?" he says. "Why did you leave me? Why did you let me die?"

"J'Nae, we have been through this so many times," I interupt.

"Yeah, I know, but this time I woke up in Charlie's bed. I had slept over. I didn't know what to tell him."

I shake my head. "The truth would probably work."

"Easier said than done," she replies. "I have never told anyone I had feelings for about my brother this early in the game. Thinking about telling him about my past makes me anxious. The faces he will give and the, 'Oh my God,' and, 'That's terrible,' and 'I am so sorry that happened to you.' I can't handle that right now.

"Hold the phone. Are you considering sleepovers early in the game?" I say with a suppressed chuckle.

I hear the air through her nose. She finds it funny that I had to call her out to make her realize that things may be more serious than she thinks with Charlie.

"You're probably right," she finally replies.

"Whoa. Say it again. I like the sounds of that," I poke.

"No, but for real, Jack. He asked me what was up this morning and I made up some bullshit excuse to hit the road. I know I hurt his feelings, but it was like I couldn't help it. I did tell him that it wasn't him and I had a great time and I will talk to him about it some other time."

"Okay. Now you have to keep your word," I remind her.

She groans.

I chuckle again and ask, "How did you leave it?"

"Well, I got a call from the chief about a homicide. I used it as my excuse to get going."


"He kissed my cheek and called me Wonder Woman. It set my mind straight. I want to continue seeing him. Jack, I can't help but think that I may have actually chosen a good one this time."

"Well, that is awesome. So you have to tell him. You keeping it from him is probably manifesting the dreams." I am surprised with myself at how logical this actually sounds.

"Good point," she compliments.

"Set the stage. Tell him what reactions you don't want from him. Tell him you are still dealing with the demons, and you will ask him for help when and if needed. This should help you avoid the feeling of being pitied or him overstepping."

Damn. Another great suggestion. I'm on fire.

"Great idea, Jack. I really appreciate it."

I cut the engine and get out of Greyson.

"What are you up to, Jack?" she asks as the buzz of music and chatter fills the soundwaves between us.

"Just got to the bar. Wanna join me?" I ask.

"I can't. I am going to see if I can stop by Charlie's."

I smile. "Atta girl."

"You alone?" J'Nae inquires.

Instead of answering, I howl like a wild animal.

"Lone wolf, eh?" she catches on.

"Yeah. Empty house felt lonely," I would not have exposed my real feelings to anyone except Scott.

"Where is Claire?" she asks.

"No idea. Haven't seen her in a few days."

"Sounds about right. And Tyson is off with his friends for the weekend?"

"Yep. Surprised I miss him this much. Took the company for granted." I immediately regret my overshare.

"Jack Tier having the feels. Weird. I would have never thought your style was your own godson, but to each their own," I can hear her Cheshire smile.

My face feels like a bonfire. "What the fuck, J'Nae. It's not like that. We have just really reconnected. It's been nice having someone else around to help with the cabin and–"

"Flirt with." Now she lets out a full-blown belly laugh.

"Hey, don't you have to go talk to your boyfriend?" I say, cutting this conversation short.

"Yes, I do," she agrees. "I will stop by the bar later if you are still out, Mr. Lonely."

"Fine, but no promises I will make it past ten."

"Nothing new, Jack."

We both laugh.

"And, Jack. Thank you," she says.

"Anytime. See you later, Scott."

I go to press end call, but I hear J'Nae call for me.



"Take your own advice. Go after the things you want," she says before she ends the call.

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