15 Jack Comes Cleans

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By the time Tyson and I got back from our jog, it was near dinner time. I am more of an early morning kind of runner, but I thought it was nice that he let me come along so I didn't complain.

We ran the dirt road all the way down to the main paved road that takes you into town. Then we ran on that for about half a mile. Altogether, I would say we ran about five miles. It felt great. The humidity was low and the air was cool. At first, Tyson ran with earphones in, but about a mile in we started shooting the shit about life. It felt nice. Like we were actually getting to know each other again.

It is now going on seven and I am just finishing up my shower.

"Hey. Hurry up, will ya?" I can see the outline of Tyson's head popping in from the hallway. "And put on something nice. We are going into town for dinner tonight."

"Oh we are, are we?" I say as I wash the suds off my body.

"Yes. Now get moving."

I feel Ty linger for an extra moment before the door closes.

I finish up, dry off, and put my favorite shorts on. They are old and kinda ratty, worse than the other two pairs. I am so used to hanging around here on my own that I never thought about how short and worn out they are. I briefly contemplate if I should buy some new ones, but the conclusion I draw is that it's just Ty and me around here most of the time–two dudes just chillin'–why should it matter?

As I make my way down the stairs, I hear the record player kick up. Then, Tyson starts singing along to a little ditty about two kids growing up in the heartland.

He turns to find me standing there and stops mid-lyric.

His eyes do a quick up and down of my body. Some strange part of me is proud of the attention I gathered from Ty.

"Oh, hey. I thought you were still in the shower," he laughs.

I avoid a comment about his singing in hopes of not embarrassing him. I notice he has jeans and a nice button-down on. And his collar is a bit askew.

"You weren't kidding about putting on something nice. You look good."

I don't think anything of my complement, it's true, he has become a very handsome young man. For some reason, Tyson blushes a bit and turns away.


"Come here. Your collar is messed up."

He closes the distance between us. I step in close and flip his collar along the proper fold.

"Turn," I tell him so I can check out the collar in the back. 

I misjudge how near he is to me, for when he spins, the tip of my dick slides against the ass of his jeans through my shorts. I bite my lip to not laugh. But he must have noticed. Tyson takes a step away from me.

 "Alright. Thanks. Now go get some clothes on so we can get down off this mountain for the night," he directs.


"And Graves said, 'No, Crawford the keg goes in the trunk, not the car seat.'"

We both laugh as I slug down the last of my beer. I pause for a moment to look at what we accomplished. Two empty beer pitchers, a plate of nachos, and a burger and fries each. So much for that jog.

"Let's go get more drinks after this," Tyson suggests.

"Nah. We are going to get up early and work on some banisters. Besides, I think you have had enough to drink tonight." I look up to find him staring at me with a hard, cold look.

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