37 Tyson and the Calvalry Arrive

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House pulls in behind the second warehouse of four. He parks on the side by the tracks in hopes no one would see his car. In a flash, he hops out, and I follow. We peek into the closest building but find nothing.

"How will we know which one Jack is in? I ask.

"Have you ever heard the phrase like flies on shit?" he replies with a smirk.

Before I can tell him I am not sure what he means, we turn the corner and are greeted by four mouth breathers standing around the entrance of warehouse number three. One of them is skinny and wild dog-like. The serpent tattoo on his arms immediately identifies him.

"Well we found the bugs," I whisper to House.

"Flies," he corrects.

"Hey, fellas," House starts.

The skinny tweaker immediately raises a gun. He squints at me and then looks hard at House.

"Who da fuck are you?" he says, shaking the gun playfully.

With total coolness, House says, "The boss called in backup. We came as fast as we could."

All of them seemed to buy it except the gunman. I suddenly realized that House only needed a few moments to distract them, for around the corner, behind the mob, a large figure creeps. The guy furthest back was slyly scooped up into Ray's big arms. Silently, he was put into a sleeper hold as I tried to suppress a smile.

"I think I know you," Jackal-Man says. "Aren't you that cop? I think you arrested me two years ago."

He then points his gun at me.

"And you, I threw that dumpster on you."

He lets out a high-pitched cackle.

"This is the kid I was telling you guys about," he says turning to his posse.

Instead of his team laughing and congratulating him, two of them were passed out on the ground, and the third was wrapped in Ray's grip.

"What da hell?" are the last words he got out before House is on him.

"Man, am I glad to see you," House says once his target is out cold.

He and Ray embrace. A long, more than friendly hug. For a minute, a flare of jealousy ignites within me, but when they part, Ray rushes over to me and scoops me up. As a reunion, we kiss a nice firm lip-to-lip connection.

"Hey, Ty. You ok?" he whispers as I am plastered to his massive frame.

Part of me forgets the craziness that is going on around me. Ray's loving touch has that effect on people.

"Yeah," I manage.

He looks down at me. "We are gonna get him back." He motions to House, who now has an expression of envy. With a wave, the police officer joins our huddle. Ray's arms come up around both of our shoulders.

House says, "I have a plan. But we need him." He points to the unconscious idiot on the ground.

Both Ray and I look at him, speechless.

"Trust me," is all he says.

The attention moves to me.

"Ty." Ray pauses.

"Tyson, it would be best if you go wait in the car," House butts in.

I am immediately insulted. I try to push back from the group pow-wow, but both men's arms keep me in place.

"Fuck that," I spit.

"For real, Ty. It might get pretty hairy in there. The last thing I would want is something to happen to you."

Their plan can't go into effect, for we hear a bang and the sound of a ricocheting bullet off the side of the warehouse behind us.

"Shit," House says, pushing me behind him into the dark doorway of the building.

Without a word, Ray hoists the unconscious idiot from the found and joins us through the entrance.

As Ray slides in, House thrusts me against the internal wall for protection, pinning my body between his and the metal structure backing me. He is too busy seeing where the gunshots came from and getting the door locked to notice my slowly stiffening cock jammed between his rock-hard ass mounds. After he slides the lock into place, House turns to Ray and tells him to stay put and put the hostage down behind the oil drum next to him using hand gestures.

We are in a small hallway that seems to take a corner into the main open area of the structure. House crosses to Ray's side and summons me to follow behind him. Gun ready, he inches along the wall with his hand resting on my stomach to remind me to stay against the wall. Before he gets to the end of the path, he nods his head at Ray for him to join us.

Just as carefully peeks around the corner, I hear it.

"I don't know, boss. I'm looking right now," someone says from the other side of the wall.

House rolls onto me, smashing me against the wall. His hand finds my mouth, so I wouldn't scream, but I wouldn't have. I am too sidetracked by House's bulge pressing against mine. He motions to Ray to get ready. And Ray is, for a moment later the henchman takes the corner and Ray has him in a suffocating grapple before he can even figure out what happened.

House doesn't move from his position, but he does look down when he realizes my tool is fully hard and poking his package. I shrug and he rolls his eyes while posting a smirk. Ray steps in front of us and slyly scopes around the end of the hall. He pops back and nods.

"We're good," he says, taking both of us into a strong embrace. All three of our foreheads are touching.

"You guys alright?" Ray asks, holding House and me in place.

"All good," House says. It is clear that his anaconda has also woken up and I send him a wink of acknowledgment. Before our two poles can get to know each other better, House breaks up our group hug.

"Okay, Ray. Tyson has to stay with us now. You keep him safe and I will go on ahead and scope things out."

Ray nods. "Roger that."

"Not a fan of you guys talking like I am not here," I insert.

Ray ruffles my hair.

"Ray, take him up there," House says, pointing to a metal stairwell that seems to lead to some kind of second floor catwalk.

"Damn, you are bossy," he says with a wink.

"I am just good at my job," the hunk replies.

Ray takes his chin and pulls him in for a kiss. Something stirs within me, but I tell it to chill out.

"What are you going to do?" I ask our leader.

He looks over to Jackal-Man and says, "I am bringing this asshole back to his boss."

Climbing the steps, I am unable to hold my question in anymore. Between marches, I look back over my shoulder at Ray. There was no hiding the worry on his face. It was clear that he now cared for everyone involved.

"So, what's going on with you and House?" I ask Ray in a hushed voice.

He lets out a quiet chuckle.

"I will fill you in after all this shit is done, bub," he responds, giving my ass a quick pinch to usher me along.

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