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louis had gone all out for harry's birthday. he didn't leave any stone unturned. at least that's what harry thinks when he enters his room at 12 am.

he's gaping at the decorated room, balloons covering the floor, balloons covering the ceiling, a pile of gifts next to their bed, louis in the middle of all of it wearing a birthday hat holding a cake and singing happy birthday with a wide smile.

harry is a little teary eyed when he walks towards louis , but he's grinning so wide he thinks his face will split in two.

"Make a wish!" louis says as harry is in front of him.

Harry desperately finds something to wish for but all that he wants is right in front of him.

So he closes his eyes with a smile,

"thank you, for everything."

with that he blows the candles.


louis gets him a lot of gifts. harry doesn't know how he thought of them or managed to wrap them while hiding them from harry.

But louis is sitting there telling him why and how and from where he got his gifts.

he gives harry an airplane necklace, a bracelet which had harry's name engraved on it, a rose ring —when harry said he already had a ring from their wedding louis protested saying 'so what? you can have more than one ring! its an upgrade!'—he got him sweaters , books (hardcover), he got him gardening tools, baking tools, a huge lion plushie ('that's you! When you go all mom omega!'), a science kit ('we'll do it together harry it used to be my favourite!'), and lastly, harry's favourite, a big framed picture of them together with their pack members('that's from the pack!')

"thank you louis," harry says smiling, kissing louis on his cheeks and then his lips, "but you really didn't have to get me all this."

"you're right i should have gotten you more! i knew it wasn't enough, i told mom not to stop me." Louis says, panicking.

Harry laughs then he holds both his hands and looks into his blue eyes that he loves so much, "no louis, its more than enough."

louis pouts, "no its not. you deserve the world, this isn't the world."

harry giggles and kisses his mouth, "but you're my world and i have you so....."

louis blushes, actually blushes and harry can't help but laugh and kiss him all over the face.

"i love you so much." harry whispers against his lips.

"i love you more omega. the most, i dont know how to function without you anymore. youre the dearest to me. my dearest."

Harry blushes and chooses to kiss him silly.

harry is excited as they drive down to his house. his legs bouncing and his eyes shining and louis can't help but smile looking at him.

"i hope those other alphas are not over for a meeting today, it's really annoying." Harry says, as louis pulls up in the driveway.

Harry's unbuckling his seatbelt and louis is already out of the car,

"I think they are here" Louis says, opening harry's side of the door.

harry smiles as he gets out of the car and waits as louis brings a bouquet that he bought for his mother, when louis is next to him he holds his hand.

"i really hoped they weren't." harry pouts.

"dont worry about it dearest, i wont let them trouble you." louis says, kissing the side of harry's head.

harry blushes as he walks towards his house.

his mother greets them at the door and she pulls harry in for a hug.

"my baby, i'm so happy you came." Harry's mother, Anne says, teary eyed, squeezing him.

"and alpha! I'm so glad you brought him here. thank you." Anne says after she pulls away from the hug.

"i've told you before, please just call me louis. And of course, his wish is my command." Louis says grinning and then hands her the bouquet, "for you, for bringing him into this world and for trusting me enough to be his mate and making me the happiest man in the world."

Anne is blushing as she takes the bouquet, heck even harry's blushing,
"aren't you just perfect," anne says, was she crying? harry's sure he saw her wipe her cheeks, "come on in, i've made all your favourites harry."

when they walk in the whole pack is there waiting for them and suddenly harry is bombarded with birthday wishes and a lot of people.

"i'll be with your dad love, have fun." louis says giving harry's hand a light squeeze before making an exit.

after everyone has wished him he's dragged onto the couch by other omegas who are all looking wide eyed at him,

"now tell us." they ask him.

"tell you what?" harry asked confused and looks at his mother as she laughs,

"have you bewitched him?" one of them asks.

"i mean he brought me flowers, i'd ask you the same thing." anne says, laughing.

harry laughs, "what?"

"yeah did you use one of those tricks from the legends?"

"what tricks? what are you guys talking about!"

"then how is the alpha so enamoured of you?"

harrry blushes then,

"i guess I'm just very lucky."


louis is sitting with harry's father and other alphas and everything was going well. they were talking startegies and allies when one of them said something that pissed louis off,

"mark you never told us your son had the instinct." an alpha named denise asked harry's father.

"was it something to show off? i never knew you or your sons were interested in harry. louis here didn't know too." mark says, laughing.

"but it would have been different if we knew about it. just imagine the power our packs would hold if we'd have one of him in all our packs." george puts in.

louis takes a deep breath trying to keep his anger at bay, his hands shaking, he grips the table in front of him tighter.

"sadly there's just one Harry, i ought you find someone else with that power." harry's father says now, eyes narrowing.

"or how about you just share louis." Denise puts in laughing,

"i know i would , let everyone have the benefits!" George replies, laughing still, but his laughter didn't last long because before louis could tell himself to calm down he had flipped the table and he was gripping george by the collar.

"That's my Harry." he says, fuming, glaring at George with so much intensity that the man started sweating.

Louis wants to rip him to shreds but he holds himself back.

He forces himself to leave George and stand up straight.

"The next person who asks me to share harry or have some ridiculous ideas of any sort along that line, will directly be insulting me and would no longer be my ally. They'd be considered enemies of my pack and will no longer be allowed to have business with us or share our resources. Let everyone know about it." Louis says, his eyes coldly staring at the men in front of him.

Then he turns to harry's father and bows, "I'm sorry father but i think i no longer can be in their company. I'd like to be excused."

"of course son, i think we're all done here. I think the rest of you can see yourselves out." Harry's father says, his chest puffed out, as he stands up.

He leaves the room with a hand around louis' shoulder.

its then his worries about his own son's safety ends.

he knew his son would be protected forever.

hi, let me know what you guys think!

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