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Harry felt restless when Louis was not around. It had only been four days but he barely slept because he just missed Louis so much. There was this itch underneath his skin and he was just frustrated. So to remove the stress he cleaned the pack house. Scrubbed the counters, washed the dishes, dusted the tables and shelves, vacuumed the floor and when the boys told him they'd help he'd snap at them to go away. He spent time watering the garden, digging up new patches to plant new flowers.He even removed his old textbooks and read them, and that's saying something. And that picture , fuck, Harry kept thinking about that. What did it mean? Well it obviously meant Louis cares about him and liked him to some extent and they were married,bonded, for fucks sake. But what was harry supposed to do now?

Harry stared ahead, his hands halting where he was washing the dishes, just thinking.

"What's troubling you Harry?"

Harry squeaked when he heard the voice, when he turned around to see Jay standing there, he breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw it was no threat.

Harry sighed again as she came and stood next to him.

"It's nothing." Harry says, shrugging.

"You're washing dishes at 12 am my love, and you're scrubbing it even though it's clean." Jay says, looking at him pointedly.

"It's your son. I miss him terribly and he's only gone for four days. I feel so frustrated I feel like ripping my skin off." Harry says, huffing.

Jay looks at him with an eyebrow raised, "and I don't know what to do with him, I know he likes me and I like him but I just, he's so robotronic when he's around me I just don't know what to do." Harry says removing the gloves from his hands and throwing them on the counter, pouting while crossing his hands across his chest.

Jay let's out a laugh, "My son has always been horrible at romance. He probably thinks you don't like him or something."

Harry gives her a look, "are you serious? We are married and bonded and have you looked at his face? What's there not to like?"

"Yeah well, I remember when omegas used to have a crush on him and kept making excuses to talk to him and he used to be so oblivious. He's always been more tuned to the feelings of his machines and books. My son is a nerd Harry." Jay says, exasperated. Harry tried not to feel mad at the omegas who used to have crushes on him, some probably still have crushes on him dammit Harry needed to get a grip.

Harry takes in a breath to calm himself down," I've never seen his books and stuff though."

"Well because he doesn't keep it around here, come I'll show you." Jay says, walking towards the door.

Harry follows her outside to the garage that was attached to the pack house but wasn't used. People usually parked their cars in the garage which was on the other side or out front since the house was surrounded by the woods anyway.

"I always wondered why there isn't a car parked here." Harry says.

"Do you have the keys I handed over to you when you first came here?" Jay asks him.

"Yeah, I haven't changed to night clothes yet so." He says, removing the bunch of keys he had attached around his belt loop.

"You didn't even get curious to what doors these keys open?" Jay asked taking the keys from him and squatting down to put the key in the lock. This garage was ancient.

"I just assumed I'll figure out when I need them and as they say curiosity killed the cat and all." Harry says, rubbing the back of his neck.

Jay smiled at him,"Yes, but satisfaction brought it back." She said before opening the garage door and standing up.

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