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It's a normal day really, Harry's coming back from Omega training when he sees a sight he does not like at all. He sees Louis talking to an Omega and she is too close to Louis for Harry's liking. And normally Harry wouldn't be that bothered, bothered yes, but he wouldn't feel like going over to Louis and climbing on him and scenting him in front of the Omega he's talking to. Harry takes in a deep breath, and tries to act normal.

Harry walks over to them and puts on a smile, which looks fake he knows, but he doesn't care and this woman needs to back off.

"Lou," Harry says, his eyes wide as he looks at Louis, "what's wrong?"

Louis looks at him and smiles, his eyebrows raised, Harry can tell Louis knows something's up, but he doesn't question it. Louis goes and puts his hand around Harry's waist and Harry is surprised because, Louis never initiates anything. So Harry preens and when Louis moves his thumb up and down Harry's side, Harry purrs. He has no shame, and Louis is smirking but Harry cannot seem to care.

"Brenda here, was asking me about which college she should apply, she wants to major in biology, which is lunacy as I said before, but each to their own, I guess." Louis says, shrugging.

Brenda huffs, "just because your brain is not capable of understanding biology  , and, quote unquote 'biology names' no matter how much you deny it, doesn't mean others cannot like it, dumbwit. For someone who is a 'genius' you do talk some shit sometimes Lewis. And I'm going to a college furthest away from here so your reasoning for not liking biology won't lower my IQ. Bye." With that she leaves.

And when she does, it's like Harry's mind clears and he realizes he overreacted, and Brenda was no threat. He needed to calm the fuck down and find out what the hell was that about.

"Oh man it's always so great to take the piss. She always fights back. Awesome kid." Louis says, laughing next to Harry, his hand still around Harry's waist, "now back to you, are you alright?" Louis says, looking at Harry.

Harry blushes hard,"yes, I'm fine, perfectly fine, absolutely fine. I'm just gonna go check on the garden. Hopefully the boys haven't ruined it haha BRB." Harry says, before sprinting from louis' grasp. There was no looking at the garden and there were no boys. Harry was just a fucking idiot. And a mess.


Harry goes to bed before Louis enters their room. He had been avoiding Louis the whole day and he planned to do so until he died. Okay, not until he died but at least until whatever the hell was wrong with him was over.

Harry wakes up with a start and he feels an itch under his skin and he feels unsettled and he has to leave. The same fog from before is taking over his brain and Harry feels like changing into his wolf form and running, before Harry can lose all his senses he wakes Louis up.

"Louis !" Harry shouts , Louis just hums.

Harry shakes Louis until he's awake and then puts his hands on his head. It throbs the more he tries to control himself, Harry let's out a whimper.

"Haz, deep breaths love, what's wrong?" He hears Louis voice, and Harry feels a hand going through his hair, he wants to say it feels better but it gets worse.

"Need to go outside, wolf, I need to." Harry says, with much effort.

"Okay love, I've got you." Louis says and just lifts Harry off the bed.

Harry buries his face in Louis' neck, and tries to calm down but it's not helping.

Harry feels the cool hair of the outside hit him and he's out of Louis' grasp in a second and changing into his wolf form. He feels better, but he's got something to do he needs to go. He looks back at Louis and motions towards the forest and sprints off.

Louis doesn't waste time in changing into his wolf form and running behind Harry. They run and run, until they come across a clearing and they see a girl surrounded by a bunch of men, a gag around her throat. Louis recognises her as Brenda. Before Louis can do anything, Harry is sprinting forward and pushing away those men and standing in front of them and baring his teeth. Louis transforms back and puts on the shorts he tied around his legs.

He stands besides Harry's wolf form,
"What do you think you're doing?" He says to the bunch men, no boys, his hands crossed.

The guys stand their ground, "Move, you might be an alpha but you don't control us."

"Oh I won't be doing anything, but you see this wolf here, that's an angry Omega protecting his pack. I move and he rips your head of. Choose what you want. And I will be talking to your father, Chris." Louis says looking at the boy whose father he knows.

They take a step back before running off. Louis looks behind to see Harry let his guard down and go over to Brenda and lick her tears off. He then curls around her and purrs, and Louis walks over and removes the gag from her mouth and the ropes around her wrists.

Brenda laughs shakily and runs her hand through Harry's fur.

"And to think I deemed you as annoying." Brenda says, nuzzling Harry's nose.

Harry licks her face.

"So he got those mother pack instincts every pack hopes their Omega has, I'm assuming?" Brenda says, looking up at Louis.

"That and a lot more." Louis says, smiling fondly at Harry.

"C'mon take me home, oh great pack leaders." Brenda says, getting up.

Louis supports her and Harry stays close to her.

"You okay?" Louis asks.

"I'll be fine, you guys came before I could be traumatized for life." She says, shakily.

They walk in silence, and when they reach in front of Brenda's house Louis speaks up, "you know I just suck at biology. I never thought it sucks and all that. I was just never able to keep up with the names."

Brenda looks at him and smiles, "I know Louis."

Once she's safely inside, Louis looks at Harry, "want to transform back big guy?" He says, holding Harry's head and nuzzling his nose.

Harry shakes his head no so Louis just shrugs and holds onto him until they reach home.

Once they are back, Harry transforms back and stumbles, falling back on Louis.

"You did such a good job,Omega." Louis says, lifting Harry up and taking him up to their room.

Harry hums and nuzzles into Louis' neck and scents him.

"I'm going to be super clingy and I have no shame to hide it or feel embarrassed about it." Harry says, holding on to Louis as he lays Harry down.

"You don't have to be embarassed omega, you are my mate, I'll give you anything you want. And I enjoy your closeness, I just don't know how to say it." Louis says from besides Harry, his arms around Harry's waist and their legs entwined.

"Don't worry alpha, I'm gone for you. At this point I'd do anything for you. I can do anything as long as you're by my side." Harry says, looking into Louis' eyes. Louis gives him a smile, his eyes crinkled.

"I'd do anything for you too Omega." Louis says, before leaning in and placing a kiss on Harry's lips. And then he places one on his jaw and then on the bond mark.

Harry nuzzles into Louis' neck and breathes in. He is the happiest.


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