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louis finds himself in the woods and hes frantically looking around trying to pick up harry's scent.

but its everywhere and he doesnt know where to go.

he tries to focus on their bond but its so so weak.

the smell becomes too overwhelming and his legs give out and he sits there on the ground with his face in his hands.

he just wants to find harry.

he can feel the tears falling but he cant bring himself to wipe them away. he's tired, he just wants to lay besides harry and be at peace.

"louis!" louis' head snaps up, that's harry, that's harry's voice.

"louis!" louis scrambles up and starts running towards the voice, stumbling over the tree roots.

"i'm coming hazza!" he shouts.

and he runs. he finally makes it to a clearing and his blood runs cold when he sees the sight in front of him.

harry's laying on the ground, tears falling down his eyes and louis stares into his green eyes.

"harry!" louis shouts and hes running but the distance never shortens , harry's still as far away as he was before.

louis watches as the men laugh, "we told you to share,didnt we?"

and he watches as the man pulls out a knife.

"no! harry ,no!"

louis blinks his eyes open, he can feel the sweat on his forehead. he breathes in and feels the weight of harry's head on his chest and harry's arms around his waist.

he breathes slowly and runs his hands through harry's hair and takes in a deep breath. he can smell harry and it soothes him.

he holds harry tightly, but he cannot bring himself to fall asleep.


harry hums as he stirs the pot of curry he was currently preparing, he looks over at louis who is just standing there watching him.

"what?" he asks, his eyebrows raised.

"do you want to go out tonight? maybe i'll get out my motorbike," louis asks.

harry claps his hands in delight, "yes finally," harry says, going over to louis and kissing his mouth.

louis wraps his hands around harry's waist, deepening the kiss, they kiss slowly, and when they pull apart, louis buries his nose at the junction of harry's neck and breathes. he then continues to place gentle kisses along harry's neck, "i love you," louis says softly and harry would say it back but only thing he can do is moan as louis sucks on the bond mark.

harry loves this is the thing. after harry's heat they've been inseparable, and harry cannot believe he went so long without louis' mouth all over his body, without louis' knot, he was insane is what he was. but now he had it, and god knows he wasn't going to let it go anytime soon.

louis pulls away and looks him in the eye and smiles brightly harry cannot help but smile back once he's regained his senses.

"i love you too."


harry squeals as he grips tightly onto louis' waist as louis speeds down the road.

harry loves louis on motorbikes, he loves louis in a leather jacket, he loves louis riding said motorbike , he loves louis.

they slow down and louis stops in front of an ice cream parlour.

"i cannot believe you deprived me of that until now," harry says, getting off and removing his helmet.

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