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Louis doesn't know when things got out of hand. Harry and him were okay. better than before even! he wakes up with harry curled around him and with his omega' s hair all over his face. its perfect really. so he doesn't know why harry's so mad at him. he didnt even get out of his office today! fred, one of his fellow pack members, a beta who was in college had come to him with a physics problem he couldn't solve , so naturally louis helped him and then went ahead and removed his favorite physics book and started solving the problems, he just wanted to check whether he'd become rusty or something and the next thing you know its dinner time and the whole day has gone by and he's half way through the book. and that's when fred comes in again and finds louis scribbling away with his tongue poking out, fred asks louis another one of his problems and well that's how harry finds them and after fred leaves them alone, hell breaks loose.

"hey haz," Louis says, grinning at him.

harry narrows his eyes at louis, "dinners ready, come eat if you're not busy." he says, and louis can pick something is wrong by the way he says it.

louis gets up from his seat, "what's wrong haz ?"

"you've not been out of this office the whole day!"

"oh yeah i pulled out one of my favourite books and i've been solving problems, i lost track of time sorry." louis says sheepishly.

harry seems to get more angry at that, "you do realise you're a pack alpha now and you have responsibilities and you cant just sit holed up in your room!" harry screeches almost.

louis is taken aback, "of course i know that! i dont get what your problem here is ! i had nothing important to do today anyway!"

louis watches harry's eyes twitch,"nothing important to do—you're unbelievable louis! we've been married for a year now ! we've never spent any time together so if you didn't have anything important to do you could have i dont know maybe come spent time with me ! or since you dont have the guts to ask your own husband out to dinner you could have come helped me with the pack house! Emily is knocked up with her fourth kid and i have to help her take care of her kids and then there are other omegas walking around with pregnant stomachs ! then i have to make that garden ! oh and then make sure your stupid alphas clean up after themselves and then cook to feed all of you! you're unbelievable! im just gonna go ! im so mad at you!"

louis just watches after him, dumbstruck.

"cant believe emily is pregnant with her fourth kid and i dont even have one ! "

louis has no idea what's happening.


Louis stalls his confrontation with Harry. He figures he should know how badly he has messed up and how to go about his apology. But the truth was he was never good with all this. He didn't bother with relationships when he was younger, he wasn't interested really. He had more important things to do like win international science fairs. Or solve lots and lots of sums. Like he says, more important things . He never saw the appeal in relationships , didn't understand how people could feel so much. But ever since he met Harry he understands. He'd do anything for Harry. He cared about Harry deeply. And he also was attracted to him, he wasn't going to lie. But how does one go about telling their other halves that. Louis didn't know. Sometimes he felt too much. He would look at Harry and his heart would burst with this feeling where he wanted to just hold Harry and never let him go, tell him how much he means to Louis , how Louis would take a bullet for him and there was the fond. Louis could tell it leaked through him whenever Harry was around. And when it happened Louis panicked and left because what was he supposed to do? Louis figured Harry knew that Louis cared about him and Louis knew Harry cared about him to some extent too but what was he supposed to do with the information?There wasn't a set of rules Louis could follow. His mother says there are no rules, which really is a bummer. So after half an hour of contemplation Louis thinks he'll just wing it . He'll say whatever he felt then and what he has been feeling and Harry will help with it he just knows.

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