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louis thinks harry's expecting. everyone in the pack thinks harry's expecting except well harry.

but no one has the courage to tell harry what they think or whether he should confirm it.

louis watches as harry stands in front of the fridge, his hands on his hips. frowning, as he looks through the fridge.

"is something the matter, love?" louis asks, gently, standing behind him.

harry turns around and looks at him, his eyes brimming with tears, "there's nothing to eat."

louis walks towards him and wipes the single tear that has fallen, "would you like to go outside and grab something? want me to cook you something?" louis asks, caressing his cheeks.

"you remember the sandwich you once made for us with pickles and sour cream and chicken. i want that." harry says pouting.

louis kisses his nose, "okay love, why dont you sit and I'll make it for you. anything else?"

"and a strawberry cheesecake." harry says taking his place on the stool.

louis turns around and looks at the boys standing there, holding their breath.

"liam, niall and zayn, you heard him, go."  louis says motioning them to get away.

"wait a minute!" Harry says, turning around on his seat.

"I got you guys here! You ruined my flowers!" Harry said getting up, his fingers pointed and voice angry.

"now harry," louis says getting in between them, he motions the boys to leave behind his back,"we can always get new flowers right? we cannot get a new niall."

the boys hurriedly leave, as louis tries to calm harry down.

"but...but it took so long." harry says sniffling.

"i know my love," louis says, kissing his cheeks,"but we'll grow them again. I promise."

"okay, if you say so." harry says, smiling.

"can you hurry up on the sandwich now?"


louis takes matter into his own hands and takes harry to the pack doctor when he wakes up to harry vomitting his face of.

Harry throws a fit about that too, "its just a vomit louis, im fine!"

But louis forces him out of the door.

At the doctor harry has his hands wrapped around his stomach and is glaring at the doctor who is trying to have a look at him.

The doctor sighs, "do you actually have a doubt on why he's having all these symptoms? It looks pretty clear to me, do you really want my arm ripped off?"

Harry raises his eyebrows at that, "what do you mean its pretty clear? Whats wrong with me ?"

"Nothings wrong with you love." Louis says, grinning and walking towards his husband, and keeping his hand on his thigh.

"Why are are you smiling like that? Stop it. What's wrong with me?"

"You're going to parents." The doctor says, exasperated.

Harry's eyes widen, "are you sure ? You didn't even run any tests? How do you know ? I dont feel any different!"

Louis raises his eyebrow at him, "any reason you're shielding your stomach from the doctor then?"

"What?" Harry then looks down at his hands covering his stomach, "oh."

"We could do an ultra sound if you promise to keep my limbs intact." The doctor says, plugging in the machine.

Louis looks at harry, smiling widely, harry is grinning right back, tears running down his cheeks. Harry lays down when the doctor instructs him to.

The doctor places the cold gel on harry's stomach and runs the ultra sound stick slowly across it.

Louis and harry hear the heartbeats, their ears perked up.

"Congratulations alpha, you're going to be a father to twins!"


"I can't believe —i cant believe—" harry hiccups as louis rubs Harry's back, "i cant believe we're going to be parents lou—" he cant stop his tears," i'm so happy." Harry says and sobs in louis' chest.

"I know love but you really need to stop crying."

"They're happy tears louis!"

Louis pulls back and smiles at harry who snifes and wipes his snot.

Louis caresses his cheeks,

"From the moment you've entered my life, youve made me the happiest and luckiest man in this whole world. Thank you my love. Nothing i ever do for you will be enough."

harry smiles at him, "you make me the happiest too. And the luckiest."

Louis places a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you my lovely omega. My harry, my hazza. My dearest."

"I love you more, lou."



Maybe I'll add an epilogue idk

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