He warned her

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Jane huffs, trying to calm her nerves as she walks out the back exit towards the teachers car park.

She begins walking to her car, fumbling with her purse to find her keys.

Just as she's about to reach her car, her husband comes hurdling down from above, smashing in the roof of her car and scattering papers that he was clutching in his arms.

Jane shrieks, screaming bloody murder as lifeless body of her husband drops the stack of papers and they scatter on the ground at Janes feet.

All of them, photos of Addison.

She screams again.


Literal seconds before...

Mr. Bryers opens the roof door, stepping out.

"Addison? Are you here?"he asks as he steps out.

Instead, he sees a priest standing on the roof.

"You're a sick old man, Marcus."the priest says.

"Who are you? Where is Dede?"

The priest turns back.

"She had to step away. She asked me to give you these."Andy says, holding a thick stack of papers towards him.

Marcus approaches, taking the papers, and as he does the priest slips a letter into his pocket.

"Hey look. There she is."Andy says, pointing over the edge.


Andy kicks the man in the back without a second thought, sending him over the edge.

Then he turns around, walking to the door as he hears the crash, and then the shriek.



I wake up, annoyed by the sound of my phone buzzing.

I pick it up, noticing that all the commotion was about my Latin grade.

And apparently, I had passed the end of quarter assessment with flying colors, and I would no longer be required to stay in said Latin course.

"Oh wow! Dad! Look!"I say, quickly getting out of bed.


Jane huffs as she enters her home. She puts her bag on the counter, her expression blank and sad as she walks into the living room.

She gasps, seeing the priest sitting in her husband's recliner.

"Oh, hi Jane."he says with a charming smile.

"What are you doing here!? How did you get in my house! I changed the grade it's over!"she whines.

"Both stupid questions. As for why I'm here, I hope you didn't think our fun was over. "He smiles.

He then pulls a manilla folder from behind his back.

He simply opens it, laying it on his lap.

"I see you have a history of favoritism. All these reports of misconduct."he says throwing a stack of papers at her feet.

"Money laundering through your baking business."

He tosses another stack of papers at her.

Then he chuckles, holding up a photo of her kissing a male student on the mouth without consent.

"Your secret little boyfriend."

He tosses those photos at her feet too and then looks up at her.

"I could really ruin you, couldn't I?"

Tears stream her cheeks and she whimpers.

"What do you want?"she asks.

He chuckles.

"Recently I've been in need of someone to horribly manipulate for my own gain. First it was a fragile minded slut, and now it's you."he smiles.

Then he stands up, going into his pocket and pulling out a phone. Then he places her husband's wallet in her hand and she lets off a shakey breath.

"You'd better be dead if you don't answer my calls."he says, looking into her eyes for a moment before walking to the front door.

"And not a word of this to Addison. Or else."he says in a threatening tone before leaving.

Jane stands, looking at the blackmail on the ground before her.

How did he even get this?


I chuckle as I run excitedly up the stairs of the church, keeping my skirt down as I did.

I pull open the door and then dart straight for the stairs leading to Andy's office.

After I quickly climb the stairs I run to his office, the door already ajar.

I run in, seeing him on his knees, praying.

I cover my mouth as he looks back.

"Oh hello Dede."he chuckles as he stands.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."I say.

"It's okay, the Lord isn't going anywhere. He's always with us."he smiles.

"Okay good! What did you do! Look at this grade!"I say excitedly showing him my phone as I walk to his desk.

"Oh, I just sent an email. A very descriptive and we'll worded email."he smirks.

"I just basically called her out on her BS. "

I look up at him with admiration and smile, my cheeks growing warm and causing him to smile as well.

I stand on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

He chuckles as he kisses me back, his hands coming to my waist.

I kiss him eagerly, and he smiles a bit.

He breaks the kiss for a moment and I pout.

"Mind if I continue praying?"he asks.

"Awe? Pray for what?"I pout as he smirks.

"It's not praying for. It's praying to."he says before slowly lowering to his knees before me.

My breathing hitches and I feel my cheeks burn hot.

"M-maybe we should close the door."I chuckle as his hands come to my thighs.

"Why?"he asks, his hands move up to my hips, pulling me close.

"What do you mean why? W-what-if someone comes in?"I stammer.

He lifts my shirt a bit, kissing my stomach and ribs.

"Then that someone will see me praying."he says as my breathing hitches again with each of his kisses.

"Th-this isn't praying Andy!"I laugh.

"Isn't it? I'm on my knees, worshipping a goddess."

Instantly butterflies erupt in my stomach, and I let out a lustful chuckle.

"You always know what to say."I say as he kisses over my clothes heat.

"I try to know."he responds.


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