Where is the mayor?

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I jump, hearing the familiar buzzing sound of the cell room door opening.

I glance over at Dorian who was to the right of me.

"It's okay."he says softly as I hear the jingle of his shackles.

Not looking up, I instantly hear him chuckling in disbelief.

Andy, accompanied by two guards enters the room with a smile on his face.

His hair was longer, and he had developed a mustache and a small beard. Sort of different.

"Oh my goodness. I can't believe my eyes.”he chuckled as he was seated in the chair across the table from us.

"Hi Andy."I say softly.

"Hello my love. How've you been?"he asks with a small smile.

"Fine."I say, looking at my hands.

"And you're here. I'm guessing I'm in trouble."he says in a joking tone to Dorian.

"The mayor has been missing for 3 months now, Andrew."Dorian says.

A very obviously fake look of shock appears on his face.

"Has he?!"he says, making Dorian sigh.

"C'mon Andy, cut the crap. Your prints were all over the office and there was a dead receptionist with her ears ripped off."Dorian says rather bluntly.

Andy shrugs.

"This is all news to me."he says before an amused smirk creeps to his lips.

"Andy, my mom is really worried."I say softly.

He looks over at me.

"Have you been receiving my letters?"he asks.

"Yes, Andy."I huff.

"....you never write back. You said you would."he says, his eyes serious.

"I've been busy looking for my dad."I say, folding my arms

He scoffs.

"Do you even read them?"he asks accusingly.

"Andy, we are not in a relationship."I say sternly.

"Why do you keep saying that?"he says equally as sternly.

"Andy. Jesus Christ man-"

"Dorian don't."I say immediately.

He takes a deep breath before speaking again.

"We know that you were there. I'm willing to make you a deal, Andy. What is it that you want in exchange for the information I need."

Andy slowly looks over to Dorian.

Then he begins to chuckle.

His chuckling turns in to full hearted belly laughing.

Once he catches his breath he speaks.

"Wow. You're pathetic Dorian. The most pathetic man I've ever seen in my life. And I've met her father."

I could already sense the anger radiating from Dorian as Andy shrugs.

"And.. as for what I want, detective. I want you to struggle."

My eyes finally come away from the table and look at Andy as he glared at Dorian.

"I want you to go every day and wonder what you could've done better. What all you did wrong. I want you to loathe every breath I take that's not telling you what you want to hear."Andy says with a smile.

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