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"No, I already tried her she's not answering."the mayor says as he hears a knock on the door.

"Come in!"he calls.

Andy enters the room.

"You called?"Andy says.

"Have you seen Addison?"he asks, pressing the phone against his shoulder.

"No sir I can't say I have."Andy responds quite convincingly.

"Fuck. He hasn't seen her either."he says into the phone.

"What's happening?"Andy asks as the Mayor signals him to come in.

"Dede is gone. She's not answering her phone. No one knows where she is. We checked with Scottie she's not answering the phone."he huffs.

"Oh no."Andy says.

"And she has finals today. She's been so distracted!"

Andy's facade drops for a bit, and a disgusted expression wipes itself on.

"Do you even care about her well-being?"Andy asks.

Her father looks back.

"She's just a kid, she's doing kid things. She's always playing these childish little games, she needs to be focused on her future."he says.

Andy rolls his eyes.

"Your daughter is 21. She's not a child. Did you ever think she might just be doing what she wants to do?"Andy shrugs.

The mayor looks back at Andy and then speaks into his phone.

"I'll call you back."

He hangs up the phone and then folds his arms, facing Andy.

"Do you have a problem with the way I handle my children, father?"he asks.

Andy smiles.

"Mr. Mayor, can I be honest with you?"Andy asks politely.

"Oh, by all means."the mayor responds.

"Great. You're a failure."

The look on the mayor's face was a mixture of shock and confusion.

"What did you say to me?"he questions, standing.

"You're a failure, Jack. F-A-I-L-U-R-E. And you're forcing your failed dreams onto Dede and Ben."Andy shrugs.

"Do you know who your talking to?"The mayor laughs.

"I'm talking to a man who buys votes in every election."Andy huffs.

The mayor goes silent and Andy smiles.

"I'm talking -to a boy- who cheats on his wife because she makes more money than he does."he says before clapping his hands twice.

"And, correct me if I'm wrong, I'm talking to a boy who spends more time at work with his mistress-"he says before pointing behind him towards the receptionists desk.

"Then he does with his actual wife and children. Am I missing anything here, Jack?"

The mayor remains silent.

Andy does a quick survey around the room and then chuckles.

"You're not even trying to hide it anymore! That's insane!"he says.

"What do you want?"

This makes Andy smile.

"What makes you think I want something?"Andy shrugs.

"Name your price."

This makes Andy laugh.

"How about find Dede. That'll be a start. Father of the year. I'm assuming we're done here."he says, putting his facade back up with a charming smile.

"Have a nice day Mr. Mayor."



I groan, feeling my hands tingle as I try to wiggle them from the ropes they were bound in.

I hear the door unlock, and I gasp as I look up.

I see Andy enter the room, dressed in his priest uniform. He carried a few bags into the room, sitting them down before closing the door behind himself and disarming the security system.

"Your father is a card."he says with a huff.

I don't respond, causing him to look up at me.

"What's wrong?"he asks, noticing my visibly uncomfortable expression.

" hands hurt.."I say softly.

He rushes over, gripping my shoulders and rolling me forward.


Andy gasps as he sees her hands purple, and quickly begins to untie the knot.

"Damn it Dede! I told you not to strain!"he says, pulling the rope from around her wrists and causing Addison to release a sigh of relief.

He begins massaging her hands, grumbling about how worried he was about her blood circulation, and why pulling on the ropes was clearly a bad idea.

Addison was more focused on how gentle he was being. He was always gentle with her.

"Let me go Andy.."she says softly, causing his lovely hand massage to stop.

"I can't do that, dede."he says.

"Please?"she asks, her doe eyes sparkling with tears.

Andy huffs, looking up.

"I don't want to do this either, Dede. You weren't supposed to see this room."he says.

"You're not supposed to have a room like this.."she says softly.

"It's going to be okay, Dede."he says softly before standing.

"Andy I want to go home."she says, beginning to cry.

"I-i just want to go home."

Andy looks back at her forlornly before walking to the door.

"Welcome home."he says before opening the door and stepping out.

She whimpers as the door closes and she hears the numerous locks locking.

She sits up, rubbing her sore wrists as she eyes the brown paper bags that Andy had left.


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