Chapter nine

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Matt hide under the desk while Kasey was in the closet. His breathing was heavy and uneven but he couldn't control it. He had just heard a gun shot not to long ago but no one yelled or screamed. Who was die? If anyone...

Matt sighed while trying to find the strength to move out from under the desk and go see what had happen. Fighting with himself he didn't hear the foot steps coming closer.


William stood in the closet of what looked like a bedroom. Heather was glued to Will as if she was about to died soon but who truly knew.

"Will whats going on?" Will would have expected this questioned from Payton but not Heather. Heather was strong, smart, and brave, not cling, dumb, and scared.

"Do I look like I know?" He growled quiet, he could feel her flinched beside him but he didn't care.

He slowly pushed open the door not want to be in a dark space any longer. He peeked in to the room and saw nothing but what was there when they ran in there.

A small dresser was in between two twin bed that stood against the back wall. The room had old, ugly wallpaper that was peeling off in a few random places. The room was good sized but needed work; a ton of work.

"Come on" He said leaving the safety of the closet, pulling a shaking Heather behind him as he went to the next door. He pulled it open carefully and quietly, try to keep the old wooden door from making the squeaking noise.

Through the door was not what he expected. The hall they had ran though was not there; just any other bed room. Heather hand stopped shaking in Wills'.

"What's happening?" William questioned to no one but himself.

"Autumn was right." She gasped and shook her head. Her short brown hair covered her dark blue eyes. "We are going to die,"

For the first time today, he agreed with her.


Kasey tip toed toward the old desk. Her pale hand slide carefully on the top of it, like she was afraid it would fall to piece if she push to hard. She bent down looking under the desk.

Matt was staring at his feet looking deep in thought. His short blonde hair looking messing and green eyes mirrored worry, and pain. Matt looked very cute she thought as she, debated if she want to bother him or not, but did she really want to sit here any longer waiting for John to find them?

"Matt." She whispered but he didn't look as if he had heard her speaking.

"Matt!" She spoke a little louder. Matt jumped hitting his head on the desk. He looked up shocked and scared but relaxed once he saw it was her.

"Sorry..." he mumbled.

"Come on, we need to get out of here." Kasey waved her hand silently telling him to hurry.


Autumn walked up the steps to the die looking house even though it was very much alive. She twisted the the door knob and pushed opened the door, slowly and carefully.

The room was dark and empty expect for Mike cold, lifeless body. She shook her head and walk towards to body and blood flowing out of his fore head, his eyes wide open.

A small yellow note sat on his shirt. 'His mistake, Your warning' it read. She sighed looking down at the body only one thing was running though her mind.

'Great the game has stared.' She thought. Grimacing she stepped down the hall, praying she would find him and the others.

"Welcome back, darling." The voice echoed though her mind but she knew it was him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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