Chapter five

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Matt open his eyes groaned; he looked over to his and saw autumn still was pass out. Heather was in the corner reading her book and William was rolled up in his sleep bag.

"What time is it?" Matt asked while rubbing his eyes. Heather looked up and flip open her phone.

" says six am" She whisper and looked over to Autumn. "When do you think she'll wake up Matt?"

He looked over at Autumn: who laid lifeless in her light pink sleeping bag. She looked so pretty with her hair laying wildly around her face.

"I don't know" He move his hand to her face and rubbed his thumb over her cheek.

"Do you like her?" Heather voice was nothing bigger then a whisper "She been alone lately and pushing people away even more. I don't like to see her like that. She truly a happy person she just needs someone to take care of her again."

Matt stared at Heather: shocked. He didn't know much about Autumn, but that she doesn't talk much and people make fun of her allot behind her back. He did think she had a very nice body but he didn't have time for a girlfriend. He had to take his sister.

"No I don't Heather. I don't have time for a girlfriend anyways." Matt said and sat up looking for his sweatshirt. He reach over Autumn and grabbed his blue sweatshirt. He pulled the sweatshirt over his head laid back down. Heather went back to her book and became silent.

'Do I like her? Would she make a good girlfriend?' These question ran through his head. He tried to answer no but that was a lie: the truth was yes.

A hand hit his chest and grabbed his sweatshirt pulling him closer to them. He looked down to see Autumn's hand was holding his shirt pulling him closer to her. He sat his hand in her thick, long brown hair and play with it. Her hair was so soft and beautiful. He grabbed her pale hand that felt like ice.

"But she loves you" Heather whispered but he knew he wasn't supposed to hear it.


Kasey sat in front of the fire; watching the red flames. She listen to Cole and Libby fighting in their tent about someone jacket. Kyle and Ace were playing with the fire like idiots.

Kasey pulled her blanket around her tighter praying for warmth. Last night she slept with Ace and the twins: Libby and Cole. She didn't get much sleep at all last night and she truly want to go back and curl up in her blankets but she didn't want to watch the twins fight.

She sighed and stared in to the forest; her dream. Her dream was formed around the story she had heard just last night. The house and killer: John. The dream replay in her mind it was so clear for just memory.

"Hey Kas! Who cuter me or Ace?" Kyle asked knocking her out of her dream. Ace just snorted and rolled his deep green eyes.

"Ummm... Trulthy neither?" Kasey answered with a tiny smile. The boy just laughed and started to play with the fire again.


William tied his hiking boots and grabbed his sweatshirt off the lawn chair. He walked over to the guys who stood in a circle looking annoyed and bored. The girl still were getting ready. Heather walked over to will and lean into him, he snake his arm around her tiny waist and gave her a quick kiss on the neck.

Last night he asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes. He knew he would get her. He always got what he wanted. Will watched Payton walked slowly over to them with her pink cell phone in the air.

"If we want to find the park ranger by sunset we need to move." Ace, Wills' younger bother, said.

"He got a point." Libby agreed.

Mason grabbed Payton's hand and pulled her down the trail; everyone followed them talking and laughing.


Matt stood beside Autumn waiting for her to walk down the trail like the others but she didn't move. Her light blue eye hold fear, regret, and love as she stared down the path his friends had just walk down. He grabbed her cold hand and gave her a little pull. She looked over to him, confusion took over her features.

"I'll keep you safe, come on. You can trust me." Matt said his word fill with care that shocked him. Autumn just nodded and follow him in the forest. She grabbed his hand in her as her feet carried them deep in the forest.

Matt study the tree as they walked past through the forest. The wind blew calmly through the trees it blew the leaf off the trees cause them to fall on the dirt path.

They had been walking for about thee hours and he could tell some of his friend were getting tried. Matt didn't feel time tried at last, he felt like he could go on forever. Autumn hand still held his and it felt so right there in his. Autumn smiled as she watch their hand swing back and forth.

"We past this tree like five times!" Payton yelled.

"I agree. We have past this tree before. I think we are lost." Cole said while Libby nodded beside him.

"I hated to say this but there right we are lost" Mike said said while his left hand ran through his black short hair.

"What do we do now?" Ace asked but no one answered. They all just look form one another waiting for an answer.

A gun shot echoed through the trees making him jump and snap his head toward the sound. His eyes looked over towards Will who holding Heather tight in his arms. Everyone was frozen; looking like statues. No one was allowed to hunt in these forest because of campers that came here.

Autumn hand dropped from his as she turn her body towards the sound. He wanted so bad to put her hand back his but he couldn't move.

"He found us." Autumn spoken so clearly with no emotion. Her head tilted slightly to the left as if she was curious.

"Who he?" Mike asked stepping closer.

"Him! He going to kill us just like he killed M!" She yelled not looking at them.

"She lost it." Kyle snorted cause everyone to laugh but Matt and the girls. An other gun shot echoed through the same tree once again but this one was louder.

"We need to go" Mason said as he pulled on Payton waist.

"No! That's what he wants!" Autumn yelled turning around. She had tears falling down for cheeks.

"She crazy!" William said "We need to go now! Come on." He walk off the path in to the tree pulling Heather by her wrist. Mason followed right behind them along with the others.

Kasey, Autumn, and Matt stood there looking at each other.


Kasey stood there she watch Autumn stare at the path the other took. An other gun shoot went off making her jump.

"We will have to follow them. Why couldn't they just listen for once? Now we will go to the house and all die" Autumn sighed and walked down through the tree following the others.

"I think she right..." Matt said and followed her. Kasey wasn't sure what was the right thing to do.

'Follow her' An voice command. She looked around but couldn't find the source. A gun shot echoed through them again making her jump.

'He getting closer.' The voice said 'Ran, girl!'

Kasey ran past the trees not looking back.

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