Chapter three

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Autumn walked into the meadow she had found when she first move to this town. She thought about the first time she showed this to M. He was so amazed by this meadow.

The meadow had a small pond sitting in the middle with colorful flowers that boarded the blue water. The water was so clear, just like a mirror. A willow tree stood to the right of the water; which was very large. She always thought it was weird how a willow tree stood there in the middle of the forest all alone.

Autumn walk slowly over to the tree and brushed the leaves out of her path as she went by. There stood a black medal table with two chairs that was just starting to rusted. The table set was something that was made during the 50's sometime but M loved this table. She didn't dare throw it out.

She sat down in the chair that had an A engraved in the metal. She sat her hand down on the table. Her eyes moved to the empty chair across the table. It had an M engraved in the middle of it.

Her mind wonder over and over again of all the laughs and tears shared under the tree. She had never shown anyone else this spot: not even Heather. This was their secret even if he wasn't here anymore.

A scream echo through the trees making her jump in surprise. She quickly ran out of the meadow. Ducking and jumping through the maze that nature had made. She ran towards the crying.

Autumn tripped and fall on to the dirty forest floor. She slowly got up and listened for a noise but then was nothing. Silent covered the forest.

Her heart raced as she looked the house. The house that held pain and regret. It was the last night she saw him: her first love. She was the only one that made it out that cold night; that was first time she ever got lost in the forest.

She felt as if something pulled her towards the house. She felt tears run down her pale face as she took a step towards the house. She studied it making sure it wasn't playing with her mind.

'Never let fear enters your mind. Keep a clear head, because if fear enters your mind you will give in to it and you will do things you will regret, Autumn. Please stay strong for me. Please baby, I love you'

His words ran through her head again and again. Those were his last words that he said before he kissed her and ran in the room to give her time to escape that crazy house. That last time she saw his sandy blonde hair and blue eyes that match her.

"I will be strong" Her voice sounded strong but there was still fear. She took another step towards the old house.


Matt heard someone screamed and ran through the trees. He hoped he made it in time to help who ever screamed.

He jumped over a fallen tree trunk and saw Kasey lying on the ground crying. Matt ran to her wrapped his arm around her body.

"Are you ok? Kasey answer me." Matt asked worrying clear in his voice but she didn't talk.

Matt picked her up bridal style and started to walk back to camp. Forgetting that he was following Autumn.

They walked in silent, which only made him worry more. Kasey had past out only minute after he found her. He watched the sun disappear behind the tall trees and the stars appear. The moon was so close to being full.

'What could have scared her?' He thought.

He thought of anything that would have scared her in to shock.


Autumn had finally made it up the steps of the old front porch. Her breathing was very uneven and her heart was beating way to fast in her chest.

She tried to stay clam but it wasn't working. Her mind kept reminding her of the game he played. The picture that hung on the bloody wall.

She reached forward to open the door, her hand shaking in fear of what would behind the dark, wooden door. Her hand was so close.

'No Autumn'

The voice echo from the house and enter the silent forest. A little girls voice...

Autumn step back and lose her grip causing her to falling down the wood stairs. She stared at the house stunned; the house had never talked before.

'Autumn...Please go.....'

The girl's voice spoke once again but she didn't want to leave. She felt a pull to the house, she wasn't ready.

'For Him.'

The wind blew her long brown hair all over. Sounds enter the forest once again; her body relaxed hearing the animals speak and the wind blowing the trees and plants together.

She slowly got to her feet and back away. Autumn still felt a pulled to the house but she ignored it and kept walking. She turned around, not sure if that was the smart thing to do or not, and walk back to campsite thinking about what just happen.


William sat in front of the fire, poking it with a stick bored out of his mind. The twins, Libby and Cole, sat across from him talk in quiet voices about going home. The others were either looking for the quiet girl or taking care of the Kasey.

Kasey hadn't said a word to anyone but Mason, who didn't leave her side.

Will turned his head to the right and watched the search party that went to find quiet girl; she wasn't with them.

"We couldn't find her" Matt said out of breathe.

"I hope she okay..." Heather said playing with her fingers. She looked worried. "I should have look for her earlier, I'm a awful friend."

"Heather you couldn't have knew that she wouldn't come back. I mean she always in there she will be fine." Mason said leaving Kasey for the first time since Matt carried her in to camp.

"Well what are we going to do? I can't even get service." Payton yelled, lifting her phone in the air trying to get find bars.

"We can't leave! The gates close for the till Monday. We will have to go find the park ranger." Mike, Will's older brother, said while running his hand through his blonde hair.

"But they won't be here till sunrise!" Libby yelled.

"That's all we can do" Mason spoke and wrapped his long arm around his girlfriends waist.

"Let just sit down and relax. Maybe Autumn while show up and we can ask the park ranger to open the gates, ok?" Mike said his words filled with strength and power. Everyone nodded and took a sit around the fire.

"Do guys remember that story that our parents would always tell us when we were little? About the house and the man, how he killed the people and stuff." Cole asked.

"Yeah I told Autumn once and she cried for two days like it was real or something." Heather answered still playing with her fingers. Will put his hand on top of her and started to rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. He could feel her looking at him but he just stared at the fire.

"I don't blame her. That story is scary..." Payton said her voice a little higher then normal.

"What story?" Kasey asked her voice wasn't much louder then a whisper.

"Can I tell her?" Kyle yelled.

Mason laughed and patted his brother in the back "Sure bro" he said still laughing.

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