Chapter one

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Matt threw his last pair of jeans on his bed and left his room, slamming the door behind him. He ran down the stairs to get the suite case out of the hall closet.

Matt was glad that he was leave this house for few days. Matt home, will he didn't call it home it was more like hell to him, was full of yelling and fighting all the time. Only time it was quiet was when no one was home.

Matt step 'father', Fred, was a drunk and spend all their money on beer or cigarettes. He never like Matt or his little sister, Elyse, he just married their mom because she had some money, a house to live in and well other thing but he didn't like to think about that.

Matt ran back up to his room and stuffed his clothes into the bag. He told his sister that he was going to drop her off at aunt Beth's house till he got back. He wasn't going to risk her alone with their 'father' for the weekend since his mom was working most of it.

After he was done he walk down the hall to Elyses' room. He knock on the door, and quickly waitted for her to answer. A minute later the door opened revealing a short, blonde girl. She smiled and laughed as older her brother hugged her.

Elyse was only five and didn't understand that Fred was not her real father. She never meant their real dad, he left when she was only two months old at the time. Matt was eleven and beg his dad to take him with him but he didn't. Matt's heart-broke that day.

Three years after his real father left his my mom got married to their Fred. His heart turn cold that day. He didn't love anyone but Elyse. She was the only person he would ever risk his live for.

Elyse grabbed her backpack off the bed and ran out of the room singing. Matt laughed and went back to his room to get his suite case off of his bed. Matt yelled good-bye to his mom and grabbed his key off the side table that sat by the front door.

Matt had an old black, beat up trunk that he got two month ago for his sixteenth birthday. It was nothing special but it got him where he needed to go.

The trunk roared to live as he started the old truck. He pulled out of the driveway make sure he didn't hit anything. Elyse turned the radio on and started sing to a song that Matt didn't know. He sighed in relief, a weekend just him and his friends.

'This will be fun'

Matt thought.


Kasey ran around her room making sure that she had everything. She checks off her check list, like she had done five minutes ealier. She sighed and flopped on her bed.

She had been packing all day making sure that she had everything. She was nervous about going camping over the weekend with her friends.

Kasey only moved here three month ago, so she didn't know them that well but her mom said it would be good for her. She grabbed her bag and walked down the stair in to the living room. Jamie and Bud were fighting over the remote. Her young sibling rolled on the floor hitting and kicking each other. She just laughed and went to the kitchen to find her mom.

Her mom was mopping the floor and had her ipod in, no doubt listening to one of her books. Kasey hugged her mom and told her she was leaving. Kasey mom kiss her forehead.

"Have fun sweetie call my every night!" She yelled as she started to mop again.

Kasey ran to the garage and grabbed her keys off the hook and got in to her new poshe. She loved her car but it didn't fit in here. It was made for the city not a small town in the middle of no where.

Her car purred to life. She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe.

'Here goes nothing' She thought 'please let this go well'

She pulled out of the drive way and started the hour drive to the campsite. Kasey pulled out her phone and called her friend Mason.

Mason had been the first person to say hi or even one word to her. Mason was seventeen and was only one year and four month older but he acted five years younger than her but most people did act younger her. Her mom said she was a thirty year old women trapped in a sixteen year olds body.

Kasey didn't like being like this, it just who she was. She wanted to be foolish and do dumb stuff, be a teenager but her mind always talked her out of it.

Mason answered and told her that he was there with his younger brother and most of their friends putting up the tents.

As she pulled into the enterance and read the signs to the camp grounds. When she tried to call Mason for help, but her singal was gone. It creep her out a little bit.

'Great now how am I going to call mom' She thought.

She wanted to go home. She thought about turning around and saying

she had gotten lost but it was to late the group had seen her. With a sigh, she opened the door and put on a smile.

'Have fun' she told herself.

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